Words by Hawk Nelson
(Nelson is also the name of our dog. That's just bonus random info for you)
Words can build us up, words can tear us down. Start a fire in our hearts or put it out.
Let my words be life. Let my words be truth. I don't wanna say a word unless it points the world back to you.
I wanna speak Your love not just another noise.
The song speaks some serious truth. I'm not sure we truly realize the power we hold in our words. I'm also not sure that Christians listen to themselves all that much. I mean really listen to what we say in regular conversation on a daily basis.
It often reeks of selfishness, arrogance, pride, harshness and criticism.
Let's stop doing that. It makes us look like idiots.
And if someone points that out to us, we are quick to defend our reasons why we are justified in it...aren't we? Sometimes God whispers to me, do you hear yourself? Stop it.
And sometimes I want to say to other people, do you hear yourself? (but that generally does not go over well ;)
But in my head I'm asking it.
The Bible is clear. This is one of a ton of verses, the Bible is not silent on the tongue.
Proverbs 18:21
New International Version (NIV)
We have the power to speak life to those around us, our husbands, children, friends, family, neighbors, community and strangers. And internet land.
Or...we speak death. Which is another way of saying we crush people with our words, or tone, or our blabbering on and on about whatever.
Those around us, they hear us. Whether we want to be honest with ourselves or not is up to us. If you are brave find someone who will be honest with you and ask them the tough questions so that you can hear what you sound like. (and then when they tell you the truth, accept it.)
What consumes my conversations?
Am I quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry?
Who does most of the talking in conversations?
What does my attitude generally portray about me?
Am I an encourager or do I leave people feeling drained after being around me?
Where are my sights and perspectives? Focused on temporal or eternal?
Well, you get the idea. Go ahead, do it. I dare you. When I did it the first time...it wasn't pretty. But through God's grace the answers to those questions are changing.
The weird thing that I didn't expect, is that some people don't want to see you change! They view it as criticism against themselves...and/or other stuff I don't quite understand. So I go back to this truth: God called me from the way I was speaking, and to a way to control my tongue in order to bring life to those around me. I didn't make it up, and I can't do it on my own. In Him and through Him, because ultimately: I want to walk in obedience to Christ. Who gave His life for me.
That's it.