Friday, January 4, 2013

Better Than a Click

I came across some wisdom (via the internet) that has really sort of stuck in my brain the last few days. 
The first is via my internet friend, Lindsay.  I've read her blog since I started we're talking years.  It's good stuff.  She posted on FB a little blip about blogging:
well, I'm finding that even if I'm the only one that reads my own... it's still worth something. It's more than clicking like ... and I know it's something my family will treasure for years to come ..."
That resonated with me, because I like to like stuff on Facebook because it's quick and easy...but it matters about as much as the effort it takes to do it.  But my blog, no matter how insignificant, is still worth me and my family.

Lindsay is right.  No matter how lame it may get, a blog post is still worth more than a click.

Yesterday, I was reading Mindy's post on being intentional and it just resonated with me. 
Being intentional, and staying intentional are not my natural bent.  It's something that God definitely started a work in my heart this past year, and He's far from finished.  Being intentional while at the same time leaving some freedom for the Holy Spirit to intervene and move is a tricky dance sometimes.  So, I'm making a list of areas that need some work yet...and then praying God messes with the list as He sees fit.  

Hoping to share the list with you soon.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Because someday I might want to remember what I did today.  Or not.  Whatever, at least it's a post.

  • Woke up at 5:45 to run with Billlie.  Hadn't run since before Christmas and it was freeeezing out and we sorta slid all over but it's still better than the treadmill!  This months marks 6 years we've been running together.  That's just craziness.  I ordered new running shoes from Eastbay.  I've been having hip flexor issues so I stretched today.  Yay me.
  • In our house, we say "Yay!" and "Woo Hoo!" after stuff.  And by we, I mean me.  And now Lucy.  It cracks me up.
  • Boys had their first day back to school after Christmas break.  Everyone was rip-roaring ready to go, which surprised me.  Apparently we've had enough "together" time.
  • Spent time thinking about my friend Steph, and her son Tate.  Today marks two years in Heaven for Tate...and he's missed terribly.
  • Loaded up Lucy and her buddy Ryder and we headed to the town where our bank resides and then went to Wal-Mart (which I loathe but it was early and it was ok and there is no Target there.)  While there I decided we should probably get a new printer/scanner/copier because ours is eight years old now and super moody.  Plus it was reasonably priced and the ink was way cheaper than our current old model.  I went with an HP again because DUDE, the last one lasted EIGHT YEARS!  Plus, it said it was wireless and that just makes me happy.
  • Drove through McDonald's and got coffee and cookies. (3 cookies for $1 is amazing if you ask me.)  The kids didn't want the cookies.  Their loss, my gain.  Literally.
  • Came home and fixed computer  Our laptop battery had died awhile ago so per my brothers instructions I ordered one from Amazon because they are dirt cheap.  Thank you China.  Anyways, the battery worked but would not charge.  So I Googled, and uploaded new BIOS (no idea what that is) and BAM problem fixed.  Yay!  Woo HOO!
  • Then I set up the new printer.  All. by. myself.  So what if it took all day... I was also caring for some preschoolers.  Multi-tasking at its finest.
  • Drank a Pepsi.
  • Combed Lucy's hair.
  • Meanwhile I kept calling Ben to inform him of my progress because I knew he'd be so super impressed with my skills.  
  • Took Nelson out in the frigid cold to pee approximately 8 times.  He hates the cold.
  • Did some's still sitting in the baskets, but it's clean.
  • Pondered grief for a bit and realized that I have a lot to learn about life from my 11 year old.  He celebrates his friends life, and misses him, but he doesn't dwell on what could have been...because he accepts what is.  He reminds me where Tate is, and Heaven is perfection. And he smiles when he talks about him, because he's taking Tate with him until they meet again, where they'll play video games for eternity.  
  • Made supper.  Frozen, breaded parmesan chicken breast things that are basically glorified chicken nuggets.  But with some cheese and buffalo sauce they are gourmet.  Oh, we also had instant mashed potatoes because we are healthy like that.
  • Thought about how I need to start potty training Lucy.  And then decided to procrastinate.
  • Started cleaning off the desk, and then got distracted by blogging.
  • Blogged.
  • New book came in the mail from Amazon.  Now I have two I need to start. ASAP.
  • Just remembered that Eli has basketball practice in 45 minutes.  
  • Getting off the computer.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Good Start

Thank you so much for your sweet, encouraging comments on my last post.  It was just what I needed, so thank you for taking the time to write.  

New Year's Day is one of my favorite days simply because we can lay around and do nothing and it ends up being lovely.  We spent a lot of the day watching my new favorite show via Netflix, Hart of Dixie.  Seriously, I adore it.  It's kinda quirky like my beloved Gilmore Girls.

I did end up having to make a Target-run to get one of the boys some more cough medicine.  I was amazed at all the stuff that was on clearance.  And by the stuff that was not on clearance.  Of course.

I picked up some new notebooks and a planner.  New Year = New Notebooks.

And shoes on clearance.  I also bought a shirt for $5 but the pic won't load.  I'll try again later...since it's so very important for you to see it.  *cough*

And since I'm stuck in the frozen tundra, a new candle to make it smell tropical.  It's like a $10 vacation.  

For supper we tried a new Pinterest recipe for Chicken Tortilla Soup.  It was super.  The kids didn't like it, but what do those Ramen-lovers know anyways?  And as I write this I can't remember how to get Pinterest recipes on here because it's been so long since I blogged regularly.  Add that to my to do list:  Figure stuff out.

Which reminds me...what the heck is Google+ and how/why do I want to use it?  I know I'm in it, I just don't have a clue.  I have lot's to figure out, but looking forward to getting back in the groove.

I'm hoping to join some blog link things in an effort to stay accountable to posting.  I generally hide from those sorts of things...but it you have one that you are a part of and love, then I'd be happy to copy you. ;)  

Monday, December 31, 2012

Good Bye & Hello

I think I've got my blog block figured out, just in time to say good bye to 2012 and hello to 2013.

I let a remark get under my skin.  And it tainted everything I tried to write.  

But today...something is different.  

I've been reminded of why I write. 

To whom I write...

And that I'm called to write...even when I'm misunderstood.  Even when others read between lines that were not meant to be read between.  Even when false assumptions are made, and people disagree.  

It's a life lesson, really.  Who will control me?  Who will control what I'm called to do?  Will it be my God, or will it be random people?  Who will I fear?  Who will I please?  

God reminded my heart that of course some are not going to get it.  Of course some are going to disagree.  Of course some are going make assumptions.  And He gave me my spunk back, by whispering...who cares?  So what?

Just write.  

And so I will.  *smile*

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Trying to Figure it Out

You know you have some issues when you've started several posts, but have yet to finish them because you can't quite say what you really want to say in the way you want to say it.

I'm working through that..and it has to do with this blog.  And when I figure it out, I'll let you know. ;)

Maybe just posting this will help...

In the mean time, have a very Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fine By Me

Eli had a school Christmas concert on Monday night.  My boys loathe vocal concerts.  I'm afraid they've inherited that from me.  Anyways.  We don't generally make the boys dress up for church except on holidays...and even then I use the term "dressed up" loosely.  Eli, by far my most easy-going child, muttered under his breath while I made him tuck in his shirt and clip on his tie.  

And then, he caught a glimpse of himself as he passed by the full length mirror in the hallway.  I watched him back up and do a double take.  He cracked a smile, acknowledging that even if the clothes weren't the most comfortable...they did make him look extra handsome.  

Funny how that works.

As we walked into the concert he informed me he wouldn't actually be singing but rather just moving his lips.  I think he was surprised to hear me say "Fine by me!"  Little does he know, I've mouthed my way through many a concerts myself.  

He did an excellent job of pretending to sing.  Nice work, buddy.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

We Go Out...

Ben and I had the lovely opportunity to attend a beautiful wedding not long ago.  We got dressed up and then left all the kids in the care of Grandma and Grandpa, which means we actually enjoyed the wedding.

Fun times.

After the wedding, when I looked at these pictures, I realized I had totally skipped my eyeliner and mascara.  Whoops.  I guess it meant that nothing smeared all over my face after I cried watching my two sweet little nephews walk down the aisle as the ring bearers.  Seriously, they were so sweet I bawled.  I'm not the only one that does that?  Right?

One of the songs in the wedding was Brandon Heath's, Love Never Fails.  So now it's at the top of my playlist because it's one of my new favorites.  Even though it's not new at all.

I love weddings.  And the bride and groom were beautiful and handsome but you'll have to take my word for it because I forgot my camera.  Loser.
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