Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Monday

Day 17 of 31 Days of Happy

Sitting here on the couch, next to my husband, while he watches his football team makes me happy.

If his football team, chose different colors for their uniforms, I'd be even happier.  Seriously Miami Dolphins, you're a football team...choose some manly-er colors already. 

The end.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Happy to be Imperfect

Day 16 if 31 Days of Happy

Happy Imperfection.

I am definitely not a perfectionist.  I'm completely, unabashedly aware that I am not how can an imperfect person contemplate doing something with perfection?  I can't fathom it.

Although, as a side note, I do expect perfection from my surgeon that I or someone I love may need someday...I'm just saying...

Anyways, I've been sewing like a crazy woman this week.  I've managed to make an ottoman cover, two pillow covers, fabric letters of the alphabet for Lucy for Christmas, and repaired my favorite chambray shirt.

I'll share my pillows and ottoman pics with you later this week...along with another little thing that makes me happy.

Everything I made displays mistakes.  It's a far cry from professional looking, but it's good enough for me.  And good enough is better than perfection.  Because good enough = done and perfection= never starting.

I say...embrace your imperfection.  Shout it from the roof top.  God shows Himself when we do...He can actually use us then.  

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy Scentsy

Day 15 of 31 Days of Happy

I have a lovely friend who sells Scentsy.  Heard of it?  I love it.  LOVE.

And tonight, I decided that Lucy is going to get THIS for Christmas.  With the Newborn Nursery scent pack...because it smells like baby powder and seriously, I can't get enough of that smell.

Don't tell Lucy about her present.  She hates when people spoil surprises.

Yummy smells = Happy

The End.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fresh Air

Day 14 of 31 Days of Happy

Fresh-Air Happy

The boys didn't have school today, so we made our annual trek through the outdoors.  It was a little chilly, the perfect kind of chilly.

Boys conquered trails...steep trails.  Us girls admired (and prayed for safety) from down below.  We played.  And soaked it all in...because the farmer's fields are quickly emptying of beans and corn...and every Iowan knows that empty fields mean:  Winter is coming.  *shudder*

Do you see the cloud shaped like a duck through the nasty dirty windshield?  That was our happy ending to the trip.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Bedtime

Day 13 of 31 Days of Happy

Bedtime for my children makes. me. HAPPY!

I love them.  Like crazy.  But by 8:00 Mama is done.  Really, really done.

I need the time between when they go to bed, and when we go to bed to just wind quiet.  And by quiet, I mostly mean catching up with the DVR or Netflix, with my husband.  It's what we do.  Happy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy Pictures

Day 12 of 31 Days of Happy

So the other day, on my Big Earrings post, Leah asked what the thingy in the background was.  Kudos to Leah for paying attention to details...or maybe she was just trying to look at anything other than the weird expression on my face...I don't blame you Leah.

Here's the picture.  Again.  Because I have no shame.

See it back there?  I took a better picture of it for you...without my face in front of it.

It's a metal thing with little clips on it.  I've had it a few years. I bought it at a store in a town fairly close to me.  If you're local and you think you need one, email me and I'll give you the location...they still carry it. ;) It makes me happy.  At Christmas time I stick everybody's Christmas pictures on it.  Fun stuff.

Leah had mentioned that she was thinking of making something similar from the metal thing from a know, that thing the mattress lays on.  And I think that's an awesome idea!  So now, when the time comes to move Lucy to a big girl bed, I won't be so sad...because I'll secretly be glad to get my hands on the metal thingamajig.  Thanks Leah!  

So, this also brings me to another thought...if anyone else has any questions for me, I'd be happy to answer.  Just leave me a comment.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blogging Happy

Day 11 of 31 Days of Happy

Blog Happy

My own blog makes me happy.  That's probably not politically correct, but it does.  I've been at it for over 3 1/2 years now...never dreaming that I'd stick with it this long.  Lately I've been having fun flipping back through my archives and re-living some of those days, weeks, months...years.  

Which really, is the whole reason I write.  To document our journey.  I should, in the very least, look back and enjoy it. 

I haven't networked to make its readership grow, I haven't honed in on my audience, no advertisements, and certainly no money made.  I like it this way.

Just me writing what's in my head, on my heart and in my life.  That makes me happy.
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