hap·pyAdjective/ˈhapē/ (according to Wikipedia)
1. Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
2. Having a sense of confidence in or satisfaction with (a person, arrangement, or situation).
Wouldn't it be grand if happy and thankful were the same thing? All day I've been trying to come up with a post for this blog and I kept coming up with things I'm thankful for...and then I'd stop and think, yeah...I'm thankful for that but am I happy about it? I'm talking "Happy" from the definition above...not happy as in la la la everything is perfect kinda happy.
Hmmm. Sort of revealing. Sort of don't like what I saw in my heart.
It started this morning.
Children (who wake at the crack-o-dawn) yipping orders at me as I stumble down the stairs barely awake. Thankful for my kids...less than happy with them.
The house is a mess. Thankful for a home to clean...not exactly happy with doing it.
Off to Menards to pick out storm doors and look at kitchen cabinets. Thankful for the new addition...not happy with customer service or myself when it comes to picking out stuff.
Home to cook supper. Thankful for food to fill our bellies. Not happy about making it...or cleaning up. And really not happy with my children's reaction to the food.
You get the idea. Should Thankful and Happy coincide? Not necessarily...not always. But should they, more often than they do? I kinda think so.
I kinda think they should. If I'm truly thankful, then there should be a sense of satisfaction. Happiness really is a reflection of satisfaction.
Today...31 Days of Happy, kicked my butt. And I'm going to learn to be happy about that.