Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Love Lucy

Before this week, I had never watched the beloved television show, I Love Lucy.  Crazy, no?   Since I did, after all, name my baby girl Lucy.  And since Lucille Ball is probably the most famous of Lucys' (next to the bratty Charlie Brown one) I thought I should culturize myself a bit.  I'm not sure why, exactly, that I'd never seen it, but I think it may be the fact that I can't stand to watch anything that is not in color.  

I'm lame, I can't help it.  Don't even ask me how many times I've skipped the first part of The Wizard of Oz, just to get to the color part.  

But his week, I happened to find I Love Lucy on the Hallmark channel and so I've been DVRing it.  Turns out, I happen to quite enjoy it!  

But I do have a question.  How old are Lucy and Ricky supposed to be in the show?  Because I can't tell.  The black and white and the clothing styles throw me off a bit.  Please help a girl out.

Oh, and when googling, I found this t-shirt that I may have to order for Ben. :)

On an entirely different subject (other than her name)...

I bought Lucy a excersaucer thingy at WalMart this week.  I'd previously told myself I wouldn't because they're so big and I don't have room.  BUT.  I'm desperate for something to entertain her, other than me holding her in an upright position so she can see everything that's going on.  This one is smaller, and better yet, it was a whole $22. 
She likes it!!  Yay for 10 minutes for me to get something done.  

She's got some room to grow into it.  

*"Lucy" image courtesy of google images*

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kind of a Boring Update...

I probably have 5 minutes before Little Miss Lucy decides her can-it-really-even-be-called-a-nap-because-it's-so-stinkin'-short "nap" is over.  Let's see how much I can cram in.

  1. It's my mom's birthday today.  She's 51.  I only tell you this, because she loves to point out everyones ages...and she always makes me a year older than I really am.  (that sentence will make her smile:)  Happy Birthday Mom!!  Love you.
  2. Boys are all back in school and enjoying it.  
  3. Lucy turned 4 months.  She's 13 pounds.  Which makes her 2 pounds smaller than Eli and Jake were at this age, and 6 pounds smaller than Noah was.  Her and Jake both had their check-ups/shots yesterday.  They both did great.  Dairy Queen was involved as a bribe.
  4. Her smile that will make you want to eat her up:
Of course blogger would choose to not rotate my picture today.

5.  Running (post pregnancy) was...lets say...miserable feeling for awhile.  I just didn't feel like doing it.  And although I've kept at it, much whining was involved.  But this week, I think I've turned a corner, both physically and mentally.  Pushing through the 4-mile wall of torture feels like a breakthrough.  After that wall, the rest of the run doesn't feel quite so bad.  For this week anyways. 
6. I have succumbed to drinking regular pop again.  I know, I know...I'm so weak.  Worse yet, I don't even care about its high fructose corn syrup.  I'll leave you with that super exciting piece of info...and speaking of pop, I could use one right about now...

I made it through 6 things and Lucy is still sleeping!  Wheee!

So, what's new with you?  Tell me what I've missed.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Family Picture Time

School here starts on Wednesday.  We're all ready and not ready all at the same time, which I know makes sense to all of you.

Jake needs to take a framed family picture along with him to pre-k so a friend snapped one for us, on our front steps, a few minutes before church started.  Because we're fancy like that.

Since everyone is looking at the camera, we call that success.

The Parsonage Family

You'll have to click on the pic to see all of us!
It's sort of our first family picture with Lucy.  Gus almost made it in, but he's just too big and hairy for the front step picture.  Next time, Gus.

And yes, before you ask....Lucy and I do match.  Here's my theory:  Since she's pretty much attached to me all of the time, she's kinda like a fashion accessory.  It's best that we not clash. ;)  

Friday, August 13, 2010


Sometimes I start a post five different times because what I thought I wanted to write about ends up sounding dumb.  Or boring.  Or both.  

Today is one of those days.

Sometimes they get too wordy, and I lose my train of thought along the way.  Hate when that happens.  Sometimes, what God is teaching me is so personal and gut wrenching to me, that my limited vocabulary and writing skills (laziness) do it no justice and so I choose silence.

I'm a "so you get the gist of it" kinda blogger.  Not big on details.  Or grammar *cough*  So, in true Sarah form, here's my life:  The Gist it anyways.

In a few short weeks, we will have been in tiny town for five years.  It's got us reflecting on our time here thus far.  Five years ago we came into full time ministry with so much excitement.  We hadn't a clue what we were doing, and we knew it.  Calling on God for His wisdom and assistance was simple.  Without a doubt we needed His help.

And then somehow, as it always seems to happen in my life, I settled in.  Familiarized myself with this ministry thing.  With the community.  With routine.  And called it good.

Turns out, as it always does, that my standard of good is not even close to what God has planned.  Why do I so easily settle for my pathetic version of good?   Oh, the list of reasons is quite long...I'll spare you.

At a friends recommendation, I picked up a book recently.  It took just a few pages before that feeling of "oh this book is talking directly to me" hit.    For some reason, somewhere in the process of "settling in" I also unconsciously decide that I can handle things on my own.  The "I got this!" attitude.  Without even realizing it, I had viewed ministry as a job like any other.  You know,  the experienced worker trains the newbie and before long, the newbie is no longer an idiot and can actually do the job on their own.  Simple. ministry, without God, I'll always always always be  the idiot.  

When your husband is a pastor, it is not his job.  It is your life.

I don't mean that negatively.  I mean that ministering to people is a way of life.  No clocking in and clocking out.  You're always on.  Pretty much like parenting.   And, it really is a good thing.  It's what God has called Ben and I to.  Together.  It is a privilege.  And a burden.  It's not something that very many people understand, I'm not sure I understand it yet myself.  What I do know, is that I need the Holy Spirit's leading and empowering to accomplish what He has planned.  

On my own, I have nothing to offer. I take that back, I do.... such things as apathy, annoyance, criticism, attitude, unforgiveness, harshness, loathing.  I could go on.  And on.  It's not pretty.  And it accomplishes nothing for Christ.  

At the end of the day, I want to be able to look back and see what God accomplished through me for that day.  That's where I'm at.  One day at a time.  

I wanna leave you with this quote:

It is true that God may have called you to be exactly where you are.  But it's absolutely vital to grasp that He didn't call you there so you could settle in and live out your life in comfort and superficial peace.  His purposes are not random or arbitrary.  If you are still alive on this planet, it's because He has something for you to do.  He placed us on this earth for purposes that He orchestrated long before we were born (Eph. 2:8-10).  Do you believe you exist not for your own pleasure but to help people know the love of Jesus and to come fully alive in Him?  If so, then that will shape how you live your life in the place where you are.

                   Francis Chan, Forgotten God

I want God to be shaping how I live each's certain to look much different than my version.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Last night, during midweek church, Noah doodled this picture.  

It's his interpretation of the first day of school...five years from now.


Oh kid.  He cracks me up.  He's a stickler for details.  

However, what's up with my hair-do in five years!?!

It's the first time he's drawn my profile with boobs.  *sniff*  He's growing up.  Don't tell him I told you. *smile*

Thursday, July 29, 2010

They're Destined to be Car Salesmen...

As I write this, my boys are out in the front yard selling produce from their garden.

"Selling" involves walking up and down the sidewalk yelling "Produce for sale! Get your produce! First customer gets a free bouncy ball!"

Can you even believe that they haven't had one customer yet?!? I mean, who wouldn't want a free bouncy ball?

We do live in tiny traffic is a little slow this time of day. However I'm sure the neighbors will be stopping by to shut them up show their support.

In the mean time, I have a to-do list a mile long.  First up:  Give Gus another bath.  It turns out, that Google (my source of information on any and everything) says that Hounds have a "distinct odor."  I can verify this to be true, it's distinctly smelly.

Bath time.  

Happy Thursday people, and if you'd be so kind, leave a comment and say hello.  Lately, I sorta feel like I'm just talking to myself...and I'm quite a bore.   Speak up and entertain me.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The View I Love the Most

The other night, probably close to 9:00, I stepped out our front door to let Gus out.  I happened to turn around and get a glimpse of my home from the outside, with the lights all on, curtains open.  And it made me smile.

For a moment, I got to look in on my life, and its a good view.

Sure, it involves some chaos and mayhem.  Smelliness.  Imperfections.   All of which make it pretty great.

And then it reminded me of a country song.  Because I can pretty much come up with a country song for every memory I have...they just work like that.

And like it says...I see what beautiful is about
                          when I'm looking in...not when I'm looking out.
I'll never beat the view, of my front porch looking in.
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