Friday, March 19, 2010

In Need of Adjusting...

We're on spring break here...which pretty much means life as normal, except we get to stay up later and sleep in a bit later too.

Exciting stuff.

I've been battling my attitude lately, thus the absence of blog posts. Every time I sat down to do a post, it ended up being kinda crabby...and really, does the internet need more crabby? I think not.

Last night I woke up with a song in my head...the kind that just won't leave. It's a song we used to sing at the church where I first met Jesus in a real way. It's pretty much this Bible verse:

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
(Psalm 118:24)

I generally like to apply this verse to days that are grand. Days that involve things I like. People I like. Activities I like.

And the other, not so much. They're just days. Days I survive, but definitely don't rejoice in. This verse last night, reminded me that no matter what my day holds. No matter how boring the activity or annoying the people *smile* God has ordained that day for me. His plan is not for me to merely get through it, but to be glad in it. Whatever it holds, He has planned and prepared for me to encounter it.

If only my attitude would stay permanently adjusted...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Am That Dude...

A blogger friend, Mama Belle posted this video the other day. I'll admit, I almost never watch a video on blogs because, well, that would take time. But she mentioned this one was only 1 minute, so I took the plunge.

I watched it. And I had an epiphany...of sorts..

I am that cartoon dude. His logic makes complete sense to me. You don't have to watch the video...but if you do, THAT is what I look like during the day.

I thought I was only a "rare-only-on-certain-occasions" procrastinator. Not true.

I viewed procrastinators as not getting anything done or completely done until the last minute. And I get all kinds of stuff done. All kinds of stuff that I don't really need to do in order to avoid that which I do need to do. It can even be something that I ENJOY doing, I'll still likely put it off with other busyness.

For example, I really need to paint the trim-thingy in the bathroom TODAY. Yet I think it will be easier to paint the trim if I first clean up the kitchen and throw a load of laundry in. But I should finish making the scotcharoo bars because then I can do the dishes all at once. And then I'm distracted by the bars...which go great with coffee...which go great with writing a blog post. And here I sit. No laundry going. Pans in the sink. No paint in sight.

I did, however, consume the coffee and chocolatey/peanutbuttery bar of goodness.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's Magic

I'm a smells person. Good or bad, I'll be able to smell it.

Starbucks = good
My hair after I've colored it = bad
New paint = good
Odie = bad. Very bad.
Rain and mud = good
Fresh cut grass = close to heavenly.
Babies = Best

The list could go on forever.

One of my all time favorites I've recently stockpiled:

I just can't get enough of it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Because I'm Human...

I have to tell you, your comments yesterday completely brought a smile to my face.

After I read my own list, and before hitting publish, I thought to, pretty pathetic. And smiled. And then after reading your comments I smiled some more, because the truth of it is, most of the stuff that annoys us is also stuff we love dearly.

Because being annoyed occasionally, is not being ungrateful. It's being human. So a big thanks to all of you for sharing in my humaness.

Ok, couple of things:
  1. I had mentioned the other day that I would share with you the story of a girl calling our house. But, upon further thought, I decided that my son would rather me not share it. I will say, that the next day at school the teacher ended up telling (some) of the girls in the class that they needed to stop telling the boys they "loved" them...that the boys didn't want to be loved by them till Junior High or so. She said all of the boys looked relieved. :) In the mean time, I will be working much harder to perfect my scariness so that any and all girls decide my cute son is just not worth dealing with his mom.
  2. Cute, cheap shoes from Target:


Monday, March 8, 2010


I can't seem to shake that annoyed feeling. Little things, big things, frankly it doesn't matter, it's likely to annoy me right about now.

I'd like to blame it on my hormones. Or the weather. But likely it's just my perspective. It's skewed, I know that. Yet, for today, it's not stopping me from basking in my annoyedness.

Aren't you glad you stopped by?

Things That Annoy Me for Today:
  • Feeling huge. Uncomfortable. The fact that I had to take my wedding ring off because it was just uncomfortable on my sausage-looking hands.
  • Doing routine house-work is now a daunting task with this figure.
  • And speaking of "figure"...I went to Target the other day and I am not even kidding when I tell you that everyone stared at my belly as I walked by. I wanted to say to each. and. every. one. HAVEN'T YOU SEEN A PREGNANT LADY BEFORE?!?!? SHEEESH.
  • The feeling that I'm trapped in someones else's body.
  • People in my household not picking up after themselves...and certainly not lifting a finger to pick up anything left by someone else. Heaven forbid.
  • Commercials.
  • Filing taxes. Mainly, paying in more money to the state of Iowa. Very annoying.
  • Whining. Crying. Ironic, no?
Oh, I have plenty of stuff that is not annoying me. An abundance of stuff I'm thankful for...and love desperately.

But some stuff....grrrrrr.

And one more thing...don't go leaving me a comment telling me how sorry you are that I am so annoyed. Then I will be forced to be annoyed with your comment. *wink* Instead, let's share things that are currently annoying you. Because isn't there a Bible verse about being annoyed with those who are annoyed? Or something like that... *cough*

Post written while inserting-tongue-into-cheek

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

She's Pretty Cute...

I have a sweet new niece! Born on Monday, March 1st. Meet Maiah Alexandra. She joins big sister Maddy...they are just precious. I have more pictures to come...

In the mean time, I still look like this: 32 weeks and some odd days.

Again with the stripes...seriously, I have a problem.

When I went to the hospital to visit my sister and new niece, the man at the reception desk asked me if I was there for a tour of the maternity ward.

I have some more stories for you (like how my 2nd grader received a call from a girl yesterday, and how happy *insert gagging* that made me. He was equally disgusted. I'll share tomorrow...) but Jake and I are heading to Target and Starbucks. Target and Starbucks trump blogging. Obviously.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Don't Want to Forget...

Part of the reason I blog is so that I can look back and actually remember some of the seemingly insignificant things. Over the past two years, it's the things that seemed unimportant at the time that end up making me smile the most.

We have forty-some days until our family changes forever. While we're all excited and anticipating the baby's arrival, we're also enjoying the last days of life as we know it.

Here's the some of the things I don't want to forget...

Jakob: I sometimes wish I could keep you 4 1/2 forever. You are smart as a whip, which gets you into trouble sometimes. You wipe off every kiss your daddy and I give you, all the while smiling and giggling. You love to draw and create things. I'm forever picking up your markers, tape, and scraps of paper, only to find you've gotten them back out a few minutes later. You've become a mommy's boy lately. Last week I was sitting on the couch and you were at the table while daddy was goofing around in the kitchen telling us things he was thankful for. You announced that you were thankful that your mom was so beautiful...and you melted my heart. I love you little man.

Eli: Your seven year old, easy-going personality is completely endearing. We spend many hours a week together, sitting at the table, practicing reading, sight words, and spelling. Sometimes there's tears and frustration, and sometimes there's laughter and joy over your accomplishments. No matter what, we're on this learning journey together. You have an amazing ability to look at the bright side of life. You're a dreamer...and to this realist, you often make me smile...or shake my head. Last week you hopped in the van after school and informed me you were going to make a car out of wood and then drive it to California to make a movie. Alrighty then. You constantly run around the house in bare feet, shorts, and t-shirts. It makes me cold just looking at you. I've given up asking you to put on a sweatshirt. Your latest fashion trend of choice is sweat-bands. You wear them everyday. You're convinced they're very cool, and we believe you. I love you little man.

Noah: You remind me of myself in many ways. You are a first-born through and through. You will be almost nine years old when this new baby arrives and already you are looking out for it. You take pride in a job well done. When you put your mind to something, there is absolutely nothing that is going to distract you from it. I loved watching football with you on Sundays...and listening to stats you'd learned. Our mutual love for the Packers and disdain for the Vikings has caused some major mom/son bonding. You are always planning and looking ahead to the future. You are thoughtful and considerate. This week you came home from school, concerned that the new boy in class did not have boots and snowpants, which then caused him to have to stand by the wall at recess. You made sure to hunt around the basement for some extra pairs and then carried them to school, just in case he didn't have them the next day. Your teacher and I couldn't help but hug you. You wear a red rubber bracelet on your right wrist, everyday, to help you remember to pray for a cure for cancer for your good buddy, Tate. I love you little man.

Can't wait to see what the next addition is like :)
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