After I read my own list, and before hitting publish, I thought to, pretty pathetic. And smiled. And then after reading your comments I smiled some more, because the truth of it is, most of the stuff that annoys us is also stuff we love dearly.
Because being annoyed occasionally, is not being ungrateful. It's being human. So a big thanks to all of you for sharing in my humaness.
Ok, couple of things:
- I had mentioned the other day that I would share with you the story of a girl calling our house. But, upon further thought, I decided that my son would rather me not share it. I will say, that the next day at school the teacher ended up telling (some) of the girls in the class that they needed to stop telling the boys they "loved" them...that the boys didn't want to be loved by them till Junior High or so. She said all of the boys looked relieved. :) In the mean time, I will be working much harder to perfect my scariness so that any and all girls decide my cute son is just not worth dealing with his mom.
- Cute, cheap shoes from Target: