A few things really stuck out to me. The fact that in most cases you just had to grit your teeth and hang in there and it did get better. With Jake, I really felt like it was just never going to get better, so why bother. Knowing IT WILL is gonna help tremendously. And, I'll be implementing your tips and tricks and for sure harassing the experts until I get it right. :)
I have different reasons for wanting to make it work this time. It's not necessarily for the health benefits, or the bonding...because I really think formula is just fine...it's really for convenience.
Sure, bottles are less painful at first. But they are still a lot of work...I know, I've done it three times. Making sure they're washed, and have the right water, formula stockpiled, making sure you have enough bottles/formula for your outing, mixing them up, on and on.
I'm up for the challenge. I think. In the mean time, I'm going to pray fervently for a baby who just knows how to latch on perfectly. ;)
On a completely different note, I thought I would share with you what not to wear, preggo style.
It's called horizontal stripes when 31 weeks pregnant. 
They are not helping my silhouette, even from the front.
Yet...I've worn them two days in a row.
It's official. I've reached the "I really don't give a rip if it's unflattering, because really, what IS flattering?!?" stage.
You're welcome.