Any of you who have a running partner, or any kind of exercising partner know that it is a unique relationship. You sweat, hurt, push, sympathize, complain, laugh, and overcome...together.
There's a raw honesty. No pretenses. No facades.
We talk about things on the trail that I would not likely share with anyone else...mostly dealing with weird bodily stuff that occurs while running. Like what, you ask? Can't tell you...because there's a rule.
What's said on the trail...stays on the trail.
Ok, well not everything has to stay on the trail. We had a little conversation about Spandex that I thought I would highlight for you.
It all started because we'd overheard someone make a comment about a recent 5k walk/run. The walkers were a little "put-off" by the runners need to wear such tight clothing. This is particularly amusing to me, because my non-runner self used to think the exact. same. thing.
I figured all those runners I saw in their Spandex were just showing off. And while I passed them in my mini-van, while munching on french fries, I thought, c'mon people...we know you're not lazy, but do you really need to rub it in with the spandex?!?
And then I became a runner who ran for longer than five miles...and then I GOT it.
Here's the deal on Spandex:
- It is not an option when running long is a necessity.
- Loose, cotton clothing does ONE thing when running for a long rubs. It chafes. It causes unmentionable soreness in unmentionable places...get my drift?!?
- The only people that actually look good in spandex are Olympic athletes. Period.
There's something else I've learned too. Runners have no shame. Pride is checked at the door when headed out for a run. I wear stuff out that door that, if I were not totally distracted by the process of running, I would NEVER be caught dead in. But when I head out for that's about the run and whatever it's gonna take to make the process a little more comfortable.
It's the only time in my life that comfort trumps cuteness. *smile*