Thursday, June 4, 2009


Last Saturday was another 7 mile run on the training schedule.  It hurt.  I didn't particularly like it. A point that I probably mentioned to my running partner, Billie, about 234 times...approximately.   Granted, I think most of the time she couldn't hear me because of her ipod, but still.

Any of you who have a running partner, or any kind of exercising partner know that it is a unique relationship.  You sweat, hurt, push, sympathize, complain, laugh, and overcome...together.  

There's a raw honesty.  No pretenses.  No facades.  

We talk about things on the trail that I would not likely share with anyone else...mostly dealing with weird bodily stuff that occurs while running.  Like what, you ask?  Can't tell you...because there's a rule.

What's said on the trail...stays on the trail.

Ok, well not everything has to stay on the trail.  We had a little conversation about Spandex that I thought I would highlight for you.  

It all started because we'd overheard someone make a comment about a recent 5k walk/run.  The walkers were a little "put-off" by the runners need to wear such tight clothing.  This is particularly amusing to me, because my non-runner self used to think the exact. same. thing.

I figured all those runners I saw in their Spandex were just showing off.  And while I passed them in my mini-van, while munching on french fries, I thought, c'mon people...we know you're not lazy, but do you really need to rub it in with the spandex?!?

And then I became a runner who ran for longer than five miles...and then I GOT it.

Here's the deal on Spandex:
  • It is not an option when running long is a necessity.
  • Loose, cotton clothing does ONE thing when running for a long rubs.  It chafes.  It causes unmentionable soreness in unmentionable places...get my drift?!?  
  • The only people that actually look good in spandex are Olympic athletes.  Period.
There's something else I've learned too.  Runners have no shame.  Pride is checked at the door when headed out for a run.  I wear stuff out that door that, if I were not totally distracted by the process of running, I would NEVER be caught dead in.  But when I head out for that's about the run and whatever it's gonna take to make the process a little more comfortable.  

It's the only time in my life that comfort trumps cuteness.  *smile*

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just For a Time...

Have you ever notice how your blog sort of takes on a life of it's own?  Mine has.  At least if feels that way.  It started as a place to just sort of journal when I felt like it...and then actual readers come along.  And then readers and bloggers became friends...who knew!?!?  And when I don't blog, I feel outta the bloggy world if I'm missing something.

And then I start to I running my blog, or is it running me?   

And here's my dilemma.  It's summer.  It's tons-o-fun.  I love all my readers and blogs I read, I really, REALLY do.  But no matter how fun blog-life can't compare to real life, which is just so much better.  

SO, I'm stepping back a little for Summer time.  I'll still be here to fill your lives with information that you really didn't even need to know, it just won't be as often...maybe a couple times a week. 

Your mind will thank me later.

My reading and commenting on your posts is likely to be less than stellar as well.   No worries though...come the end of summer I'll be back in full swing.  

I just didn't want you to think I was snubbing you.

Or being rude...I hate rudeness.

Or that some natural disaster had decided to strike.

Or that I'd fallen of the face of the earth. 

I'm just enjoying my family,warm weather, green grass, the public pool, and hot dogs at the baseball diamond.

Speaking of hot dogs...last night at the t-ball game I ate a hot dog and nachos for supper.  It's amazing what I'll eat in order to not have to cook.  God bless Mondays for the month of June...and God bless t-ball games....and Summer.

Did I mention I love Summer?  

ONE more is now officially LESS than 2 months till Julie comes!

*image courtesy of google images

Friday, May 29, 2009

Let's Discuss...

Let's pretend I have some deep thoughts.  *cough*

In no particular order:
  • When did the word "piss"  become not a bad word!?!  I missed the memo on that one.  Everyone is saying it lately...and it makes me cringe a little.  In my head...still a bad word.  I've even tried  being cool about it...after all, I know language changes over time.  I'm guilty of using the word "crap" which I'm pretty sure used to be less than kosher to say. Still, I'm gonna admit, I can't get used to it.  In this house:  Still a bad word. 
  • Last day of school.  Hip Hip Hooray!  
  • Have to go to Wal
  • My friend Sarah introduced me to the songs below.  I can't even tell you how much I love them!  Peppy little tunes, I tell you.
  • I love Fridays.  
  • I haven't had coffee yet...need to go make some...please excuse me...
Happy Weekend!

Love these.  

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm Done.

It seems to be the phrase I hear myself repeating lately.  I find myself throwing my arms in the air and saying...I'm Done.

As in...
  • about 6:00 every night...I'm done.
  • a bossy almost four year old...I'm done.
  • a six year old that is using words he shouldn't...I'm done.
  • little boys that do not listen when I speak...I'm done.
  • the routine of school, bedtime, homework...I'm done.
  • rain and cloudiness...I'm done.
  • a house and vehicle that no matter how hard I try, just do not stay clean...I'm done.
  • brothers whining and fighting...I'm done.
I don't actually get to be done.  

I don't even want to be done.  

But I do reach that point...daily...where circumstances push me to the limit of my patience.  Sometimes I just need to step back, put myself in time-out and be done for a few moments.  

My ipod has helped in the I'm Done department.  I can stick that baby on and listen to something positive (instead of my own self pity;)...and it works.  God works through it.

Here's what I love lately:

  • Podcasts by Matt Chandler, Pastor of The Village Church.  It's free to subscribe to at itunes.  They make me laugh, cry, and have brought me to my knees in repentance.  Good stuff.
  • Latest favorite song...which I didn't really like at first, and now love.  Go figure.   

It's amazing what a little change in perspective does.  

I think it's OK to have those I'm Done moments.    I don't know any mom who has not had those moments...daily.  We're human...whether we admit it or not.  I love those little boys of mine...but it doesn't mean they don't push me to the edge sometimes.  Mommahood is constant.  Whether you work full time or stay at home, you're always a momma.  You're always thinking about them, loving them, disciplining them, providing for them.  You can't shut it off.  

I can't think of anything harder...or better than it.  And I'm praying God's amazing hand of patience and gentleness over this momma as I prepare for a summer full- O- fun.  Because I'm gonna need it.  *wink*

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We had a new kind of Memorial Weekend this year. If you were reading this blog last May, you might remember the ginormous tornado that went through part of tiny town the day before Memorial day.

Last year we spent the day picking through what little remained of our friends home. I remember feeling like I was in the middle of a bad dream... that surely I'd wake up any moment and find everything back to the way it should be. Instead, I woke up to this.
This is our friends house today. They moved back in a week ago. It's beautiful and even better than before! I took this picture from here:
This is the cemetery that was leveled during the tornado (Ben is in the suit:) Headstones were knocked over and all the big pine trees...gone. Since last year, new trees have been planted and the cemetery restored. It was an experience I can't put into words...standing there this year, remembering those who've given their lives for our country, so that I have the freedoms that I enjoy, and at the same time take for granted...I am so thankful for their sacrifice and for the country that God has placed my family.

He is so faithful. Tiny town is being restored. Despite a tornado and massive flooding, this little town, that many view as insignificant is moving forward...growing stronger. Because God views it as significant. The lives of the people here are significant to Him. I am thankful for a God that doesn't need the high and mighty, but shows Himself powerful through the seemingly insignificant.

It's interesting how after we've talked about life-devastating events for so long we can talk about them with little emotional reaction. I see it all the time. People mention, in passing, circumstances that at the time rocked them to the core...disasters, loss of loved ones, betrayal, sickness.

During the trauma we can barely think of it without the pain overwhelming us. But as time goes on, and healing begins, we begin to talk about it as though we're now removed from it a little bit. Yet, when we allow ourselves to really go back there...really remember it, the emotions tend to come back.

Yesterday was a day to remember. And the emotions came back...but now, instead of just hurt and loss, there is hope and progress and healing.

Sometimes, we need to be completely weakened in order to become stronger. It's not how we like it to be done...but often it's true.

Today we are stronger.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'd Like You to Meet...

The boys and I took a little road trip yesterday.  We had someone very special to meet.  
Let me introduce you to my newest little nephew, Jack:

This sweet little guy belongs to Ben's youngest brother, Ethan and his wife Megan.  I spent most of the day reminding Jake of this...he keeps asking if Megan and Ethan will give Jack to us.  The phrase "FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME THEY ARE NOT GOING TO GIVE US BABY JACK"  seemed to fall on deaf ears.  Of course, someday when that sweet precious baby is almost four years old and asks them the SAME question over and over and OVER they may just send him our way ;)

Jack got to meet his cousins through the safety of the glass nursery window.  Smart move.  

Oh sweet little Jack...welcome to the world.  You've got two amazing parents and an extended family that rivals an army.  You are beyond loved, little one.  Can't wait to watch you grow...

In the blink of an eye you'll be as big as these guys...and you'll probably look like them too ;)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So Different...

Since I'm on a running kick and all...

Yesterday Noah and Eli had a little cross country race at school. Their PE teacher does an amazing job of lining up sponsors so the kids each get t-shirts, race numbers and medals. It's a hoot.

Noah and Eli each had to run a 1/2 mile.

Noah (my first grader) is pretty competitive. He's all business. My high school cross country and track coach would tell you that he does not get that quality from me.

He finished 3rd in his grade

After I snapped his picture at the finish line he was already evaluating his run...wishing he'd started out harder in order to catch his good friend Deacon, who got first place. All business.

And then there's Eli...notice the form...and tongue hanging out...

The first time I spotted him during his race he was already walking...and talking. :) When I yelled his name his face lit up with his big smile and he started running again.

At the finish line his first concern was where the water and snacks were...that, my high school coach would tell you he definitely got from his mama ;)

So proud of both those little guys, because they both accomplished what they set out to do. I have a feeling it'll be one of those stories I tell over and over (and over) to my grand-kids someday while they stare at me with blank expressions because they've heard the story 1,000 times before...and likely 5 minutes ago as well...because we all know what my memory is like already. I'm just sayin'.
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