As in...
- about 6:00 every night...I'm done.
- a bossy almost four year old...I'm done.
- a six year old that is using words he shouldn't...I'm done.
- little boys that do not listen when I speak...I'm done.
- the routine of school, bedtime, homework...I'm done.
- rain and cloudiness...I'm done.
- a house and vehicle that no matter how hard I try, just do not stay clean...I'm done.
- brothers whining and fighting...I'm done.
I don't actually get to be done.
I don't even want to be done.
But I do reach that point...daily...where circumstances push me to the limit of my patience. Sometimes I just need to step back, put myself in time-out and be done for a few moments.
My ipod has helped in the I'm Done department. I can stick that baby on and listen to something positive (instead of my own self pity;)...and it works. God works through it.
Here's what I love lately:
- Podcasts by Matt Chandler, Pastor of The Village Church. It's free to subscribe to at itunes. They make me laugh, cry, and have brought me to my knees in repentance. Good stuff.
- Latest favorite song...which I didn't really like at first, and now love. Go figure.
It's amazing what a little change in perspective does.
I think it's OK to have those I'm Done moments. I don't know any mom who has not had those moments...daily. We're human...whether we admit it or not. I love those little boys of mine...but it doesn't mean they don't push me to the edge sometimes. Mommahood is constant. Whether you work full time or stay at home, you're always a momma. You're always thinking about them, loving them, disciplining them, providing for them. You can't shut it off.
I can't think of anything harder...or better than it. And I'm praying God's amazing hand of patience and gentleness over this momma as I prepare for a summer full- O- fun. Because I'm gonna need it. *wink*