Thursday, April 2, 2009

Making Me CRAZY.

If you happen to subscribe to my blog via a reader, then you are likely not reading this.  It seems that the problem has nothing to do with my feed, but something to do with feedburner...either way I have no idea how long the problem is going to last.

What I do know is that I'm not the only one experiencing this problem, and yet that doesn't help to make me less irritated by it. ;)  90% of my readers only come when my blog updates in their reader...without the updates...goodbye readers.

If you happen to be one who goes through the work to actually click on my get to read this boring post :)

If this problem is ever fixed, I'll be sure to let you know...if it's not fixed soon, I am likely to go throw a hissy fit.  Kidding...sort of.

Oh technology...I love you when you work and hate you when you don't.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

O Baby!

Today I'm joining in my bloggy friend Rach's fun little carnival. Head on over to join in or check out more baby mugs.

Funny thing...when you start going through old pictures...all sorts of memories come up. I've now got plenty of pictures of myself for future posts. I think they will be titled When Bad Hair Happens to Good People, and subsequently Poor Fashion Choices, followed by Wow I Used to be so Young and Gawky Looking. Good times.

Oddly enough, some things never change. I have baby pictures to prove it.

If only the cuteness of double chins and dimply thighs lasted longer.

This is the exact same pose I take at restaurants while waiting for the server to bring my food.

Obviously I got my wild streak out of my system very early on. And really, what goes better with a cowboy hat than a belly?!?

Still one of my favorites: Eating, talking, laughing, all with my mouth WIDE open.

Easter. Man I wish I knew what year this was. I'm pretty sure I meant that look to say, "Dude...are you kidding me with this hat?!?"And lastly, my dad and I. Or is it my dad and me? Hmmm...tricky stuff. Anyways, this is one of my it shows my dads permed hair ;)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dumb Feed

Something is wrong with my blog feed and I can't get it to publish in readers.  I think others are having the same fix from yesterday was only temporary.

No clue what to do, I'll just wait it out for now!

Thanks for your patience!

Instead of Going Through the Motions

I had trouble with my blog feed yesterday, a super smart bloggy friend told me to delete my RSS button...and she was right! So, if your blog is not being caught by the feed readers, that may be why.

Also, I'm contemplating setting up a running blog so that the topic doesn't over-run this blog, it will be more of an online journal, of training and stuff I'm learning. Any thoughts? 

Lately I've been feeling a lot like I did when I first became a Christian.

There was a insatiable hunger to learn everything I could about my new Savior. I bombarded those around me who had known Him longer, who knew what they were talking about. Experiencing His forgiveness freed me in a way that made anything seem possible. It's as if I caught a glimpse of just how big He is, and I knew He had big plans.

And then regular, everyday life continues...and years go by, and I find myself continually fighting against apathy. Against putting God in a tiny little box. It's a constant battle. Maybe people reach a point of spiritual maturity where they don't battle this....or maybe it's human nature, and battling it is just part of having faith.

What I do know is this: He is bigger than my apathy, and He will not be put in a box. The second I call out to Him, He shows up...shakes my heart up again reminds me of who He is, what He's done.

And right now, I just can't get enough of Him. Learning new things, understanding old things. Standing back, in awe, as He moves in the lives of people around me. He's always doing it...I just miss seeing it sometimes. Not this time.

This song has been blasting through my iPod for the past few days.

No need to explain why.

I don't want my life to be defined as going through the motions. As a wife, a mom, a friend, a believer...heck, even a runner...just OK is not enough...I want His all consuming passion inside of me.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Hoping the Obsessive Becomes Compulsive...

It's a funny sometimes I think I know about something, and then I start learning more on a particular subject and realize that I'm actually COMPLETELY clueless!

It happens all the time. Which should probably tell you something about me...but let's move on.

I have a bit of an obsessive personality. When I fixate on something, there's little that can distract me. This is both good and husband would volunteer testimony.

Anyways, my latest fascination is running. I'm not new to running...but I'm just figuring out there's more to it then slapping on some shoes and hitting the pavement. And the more I learn, the more I want to know!

This weekend it was time for new shoes. Believe it or not, I do not get excited about buying new running shoes. 1 - they're expensive and 2 - no matter how hard I try to convince myself...they are just not cute. Ever.
We have this cute little shop called The Runner's Flat. They evaluate your running form which helps in getting the right shoe. They also have all sorts of running stuff...which I know nothing about yet because I don't run enough to get any gadgets...but after being in that store, I now have a wish list.

I'm a little attached to my old shoes. I've gotten the same brand the past two times...they're comfy, and familiar. Turns out that this time though, I need a different kind. No sacred cow, right?!?

Old Mizuno shoes:

New Saucony Shoes:

Here's the new knowledge that's rocked my world:

  • Shoes have a shelf life. You heard me. Even without running or using them, the materials can break down from just sitting on the shelf.
  • Socks matter. Who knew?!? Cotton=bad. Makes your feet stay wet and causes blisters and other yucky stuff. So...I have some new non-cotton socks, that have a R and L on each foot...because they go on a specific foot...craaaaazy.
  • I bought a Runner's World magazine, which I'm totally gonna subscribe to. In there I learned that running 3 miles 3 times a week (which is basically what I do right now) will NOT help in weight loss. *insert kicking and screaming* It will help in "maintaining" but if your body is used to it, it will not help in the losing of weight. BOO. I have to start "interval" training...I'm not even going to explain...
  • One marathoner wraps her toes in duct tape to keep them from rubbing together...I find that fascinating...because I am a weirdo.
  • After running, you have a 30 minute time slot to re-fuel and re-build your muscles. There are certain foods that do this best. SEE, I told much. stuff.

So, since I'm sure the only people that have actually made it this far in the post are people who run (or are very, very bored), give me you tips, your tricks, your secrets...come on....I gotta know. And, if you know of any great sights or blogs about running, please let me know!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to continue my sanitizing of the house via Lysol. Oh yeah...two more barfers last night ;)

Friday, March 27, 2009


I'm having some trouble blogging lately.  Let's call it a funk of sorts.  

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that everyday is a little like the movie Groundhogs know, where you wake up and do the same thing over and over and OVER.  Truthfully, I don't mind it...except that then I find myself talking about the same things over and over.  

So goes life.  So goes me.  Whether you know me in real life, or just through this little blog, I'm afraid that's what you get.

Here it is.  In all it's redundant glory...what's rolling around in my head:

  • I'm pretty focused on running right now.  Getting back into shape so that it can proceed to the next level, and then the next level, and eventually to what seems the impossible level for me...the 1/2 Mary (which is what my inspiring friend who somehow convinced me I can do this thing called the 1/2 marathon...and from this point on I'm only calling it that ;) 
  • That means I'm really trying to eat healthier...and drink more water *bleh*  Not even my new cute bottle can make it more appealing.
  • I'm a bit obsessive over the weather too, biting at the bit for it to get nice out and STAY nice.
  • I'm very very disturbed at the guys-wearing-scarves-for-purely-fashion-reasons.  It's freaking me out a bit.  I love scarves.  I think women look great in scarves.  Men....well let's just say I'm having trouble letting that one go.
  • I love casual summer dresses.  This is going to be the year of the summer dress for me.  Who needs shorts when I can wear a cute dress.'s all about the weather people.
  • My iPod...I've mentioned it in every conversation I've had for the past month.  
  • Easter.
  • Julie...and the countdown till she gets here!
  • Summer vacation...lazy days at the pool and park with my boys.
Let me have it, what can't you stop thinking/talking about!?!  

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just Another Day in Paradise

Seriously, I got nothin' for ya today.  It's 1:00 and I'm still in my pajama pants and bathrobe.

Last night, my running partner and I decided we'd run after Bible Club instead of early this morning.  Turns out, that I run quite well when fueled by a couple shots of espresso...don't think I didn't take note of THAT little morsel of information. It's a good thing we did, because...

Fast forward to 2:30  A.M.  Ben and I hear Jake crying and then he stops.  We go back to sleep.  Little later Jake is standing beside the bed crying and wanting in bed with us.  Figuring he had a bad dream, we tuck him in the middle and snuggle...a few minutes later....he barfs, everywhere.

Turns out the crying previously mentioned was because he'd first barfed in his own bed, but managed to not get any on himself, thus the lack of smell.  He also failed to mention two very important words before getting in our bed.... I. Barfed.

Fast forward to 1:00 PM.  Jake's sacked out on the couch watching Sponge Bob and no longer barfing, but running a fever and not looking so hot.

I'm not gonna lie, when the doorbell rang and it was the Schwan's guy...I totally pretended to not be home.  It helps that it looked like I really wasn't home, because my van is missing.  My husband stole it from me in order to drive himself to work while his car is in the shop.  

My life is a country song ;)
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