Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I Got Lazy...

Three years ago when I moved to tiny-town one thing was blatantly obvious. If I was going to make friends here, it was going to take some effort on my part. In a small town where everyone knows each other it can be a little tricky to convince them you'd be an excellent addition to their little group.

I was on a mission to make friends. I'm certain I scared some off with my neediness eagerness.

Don't get me wrong, people were always kind and friendly to me, and I never felt like they were purposely trying to exclude me, it was just the simple fact that most groups of friends have an unspoken limit...most of the time we're not even aware of it, but I'm convinced it's true.

We get comfortable in groups. It's a weird phenomenon, but it happens to me all the always has. We find those that we have some connection with and we settle in.

I eventually found my niche in tiny town. I've made friends and acquaintances. Connected who's related to who. And formed a group without even realizing it. Has our little group ever intentionally tried to make someone feel excluded? Absolutely not. Is there a chance that we've made someone feel excluded just by being together...probably.

Which brings me to my point (finally). Once I settled in and felt comfortable with the amount of friends I'd made, I stopped trying. Stopped reaching out to make new friends. Got lazy. Real lazy.

Same thing happened in bloggy land. Last year when I first started, I commented on all kinds of new blogs, visited the blog of any new commenter's...desperate to find my niche. And once I did...the familiar feeling of comfort set in and I thought to myself, as I often do, good enough.

And now I hear God whispering....No Sarah, not good enough.

Deep down I know I'm missing out on great new friendships, both real and bloggy ones. Now, I'm not talking about numbers of friends here, because balance is always involved. I'm talking about noticing and recognizing those around me in the same way I noticed them when I was searching for friendship.

So...out of my comfort zone, once again. And if you're new here, I will find you...consider yourself warned ;) And to all of you who've stuck with my boringness and become such good friends, reading and commenting so faithfully, THANK YOU! It really is part of what makes blogging so much fun.

Here's to doing better than enough.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lest I Worry You...

Yesterday I mentioned my bout of rebellion in the winter coat wearing department.

Lest I worry some of you, I thought I would prove that I am in fact still wearing a coat...just not of the winter variety. I wouldn't want you to think I was running willy-nilly all over Iowa with no coat.

I bet they don't teach Julie the word willy-nilly over in Norway. I bet they don't teach that's one of those little gem of a words that one starts using when they've had, what should be, and illegal amount of caffeine which was consumed in a matter of hours.

Also, and this is totally random, but at WalMart today, as I was pushing the cart, it kept shocking me...continually! It was the weirdest thing! It wasn't like I touched the metal and got a little zap, it was continual zaps as I held onto it! I think there's something weird going on at WalMart...I'm just sayin'.
PS - Ignore the sweater hanging out from under the coat...I'm sure it is a fashion don't...but trust me when I tell you the skinny jeans need a long sweater, and the long winter coat was obviously not an option in my time of rebellion.

Monday, March 2, 2009


I am positively giddy that March has arrived.   Spring is coming.  The long cold winter is winding down.

I am dreaming...
  • of buds on trees, warm breezes, green grass, tulips and daffodils.  
  • of wild boys running and tossing the football inside outside.
  • of my running skirt instead of under armour.
  • of packing away the boots, snow pants, hats, mittens and big coats.
Last week I decided that I was retiring my winter coat for the season.  I do not care if it is still 20 degrees outside.  I am done.  Call me an idiot optimist.

*image courtesy of google images*

Friday, February 27, 2009

It's What We Do Around Here...

I've been doing my best to not whine to ya'll too much about how tired I am of the weather here.

But I am lamenting. If that even makes sense...which it probably doesn't, but I don't care...I like the sound of it :)

Two things I want the MOST:

  1. To be able to run outside 3 days a week without freezing my butt off.

  2. A little get rid of this pasty whiteness...and some green grass and flowers would be nice too.

Yes, I am aware that's more than two things...stop counting.

There are some fun things going on over here in the parsonage though.

Exhibit A:

Exercising...not by me. I figured if it kept them entertained, why not.

I know what you're all thinking...Who's the girl?!? Meet Charleigh (which I happen to think is the cutest name ever) Charleigh is joining us during the days for a little while, and let me tell you she is the cutest little thing, we're all a little smitten with her around here. Imagine that.

Especially after Jake plasters her with band aids.

I'll never understand the lure band aids have over my children.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Good Thing It's Not...

I received this in the mail today.

It's a thank you gift from the exchange student foundation we are using.

I immediately thought....They did NOT just send me a fanny pack....

Upon further examination I realized it is a lunch box thingy. *smiles*

There are some things I can pull off. The fanny pack would not be one of them ;)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It's interesting how circumstances can change in an instant.

That instant usually brings about a complete change in perspective for me.

Logically, I know I should be thankful for certain things, for certain people, all of the time.  But generally, I pretty much take it all for granted until something changes.

There are circumstances going on in so many of the lives around me...hard circumstances.  As I've thought on them today, God has given me a fresh perspective on my own life. 

My long list of things to whine about now looks like a long list of things to be thankful for.  Very thankful for.

I wish I could say that list will stay that way...unfortunately, it's likely that within hours I will once again be viewing many of those things on my list as less than desirable...not because the things changed, but because my selfish perspective changed.


Praying today for the grace and wisdom I need from Him to be able to enjoy and appreciate every day life without something "tragic" forcing me to. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I'm answering some more questions today, which means that for the life of me, I can't come up with anything else to blog about.

Yay for questions!

Colored With Memories asked this...this may be too personal...but i always wonder about people that have 3 kids of the same gender...did you try for the third to see if you could have a girl, or did you just always want 3?

we have 2 girls...and are debating on having a third...of course we'd love a boy, but the debate isn't so much about it is if i could actually handle 3 (of any gender!)...

which leads me to another question...which transition was hardest for you kid wise (and why)...going from 0 to 1, 1 to 2 or 2to 3...can you tell we are over thinking a third!?!

I always wanted four kids.  And then Jake came along and rocked my little world.   The transition from 2 -3 was hardest for me...mostly because I only had two arms, which meant that  one child was always breaking free running to and fro.  

I then decided three was plenty :)  Now as he gets older though, I start to think maybe four wouldn't be so bad...and then he starts on a tangent of destruction and I think...three is plenty ;)   Who knows what the future may hold.  

When I was pregnant with Jake (our third boy) I was very annoyed when people asked me if I was hoping it was a girl.  I wanted whatever God had ordained that baby to be.  After he was born, I had comments that were almost apologetic in tone, regarding having "another" boy.  Insinuating that I might be disappointed in that beautiful, perfect little boy I made me want to scream.  I fully believe God has given me what He had planned for me.  I am the mother of boys.  I can't imagine anything else.   I wouldn't want it any other way.

I do, however, want some really fantastic daughter-in-laws someday :)

Thanks for the great question!

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