Friday, January 23, 2009


I really did try to come up with a new thought for this post, but my mind is sill consumed with all the stuff I've already blogged about this week...and then some.

Here's some beyond randomness that's going on in my head...

  • This was my first week of half-marathon training. The halfsie (which is my new pet name for it) will be in June. I've got me some time. BUT, this body needs it, trust me. I printed the customized schedule from Runners World and highly recommend the website.
  • Tomorrow night I have a date with my husband...which is looong over due.
  • Still waiting to hear back from the principal of our high school about the exchange students placement. Last night we had our final interview and all of the paper work is we wait. I would be a terrible candidate for adopting, I can hardly wait to find out if we get to host this girlie...and she's not even mine. All you bloggy friends who are in the adopting process have some special prayers coming from my are amazing.
  • Living Beyond Myself. It's no easy task.
  • Eli broke his glasses. We made it half the school year...far longer than I thought we would. If the eye Dr. can't fix them we're gonna make duct taped glasses cool again...I think we can pull it off.
  • I can't stop listening to the following song today. It's sort of an oldie, which is why I heart it so much.

  • I'm a little obsessed with the Pottery Barn Teen catalog right now.
  • I've been a little scattered this week. Started lots of different things and finished nothing. Annoying.
  • Happy Friday!! YAY!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


On my own, I am the classic under-achiever.  I really am.  

My natural gut instinct is to do just enough to get by.  If you asked any of my coaches or teachers from back in the day, they would completely confirm this to be true.  

Sure, there have been a few areas here and there that I've excelled, but it wasn't due to the sense of achieving something great.  

Quite frankly...I'm good with average.  I like average.  I'm comfortable with average.

Lately though, as I'm learning to more closely walk in the Spirit of the Living God, I'm finding that what He wants me to do, is taking me out of my little average comfort zone.   And just when I think I've stepped so far out that I can't see my beloved comfort zone anymore, He JUST KEEPS GOING until I can't even remember where the comfort zone is or was!

And it's good, and it's peaceful...even though it makes no sense.

There's specifics of these things right now...most of which will not make it to the big ole least for now.  

One thing though, is what I shared yesterday.

Today I got a call from the exchange student coordinator letting me know that our little school district only has 2 slots open for exchange students, and that another program may have already filled them.  (This usually doesn't happen this early on)  We're waiting to hear back from the principal. 

My friend, the coordinator, wrote these words to me:

I believe if God wants you to host this year and have this student that the principal will give us the school slot.  After all, He is in control, and already knows!

How true.  I don't know the outcome yet.  But I do know we took the steps He wanted us to take, and that His plan is so far beyond my wildest dreams that He can only show me a teeny-tiny portion at a time.  

I don't have to have it figured out.  I just need to be doing what He tells me to do.  

We're praying today, that whatever His would be accomplished...both in this particular situation and in us.  It's exciting, really.  To just sit back and watch Him work!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Got Some News for Ya...

Yesterday Ben and I finally made a decision.  We've been toying with the idea for awhile.

We are going to host a foreign exchange student next school year!  A girl.  Can I get an amen?  

It's a whole big long story, which maybe I'll share someday...but it's not all that interesting so I'm gonna skip it for today.  Unless you're really interested, you can email me and I'll blab on and on about it until you regret asking.

In this post I introduced you to the two girls that are living with families that attend are church.  This is where God planted the seed.

Can I tell you that this seems completely wonderful and completely insane all at the same time?!?    It is utterly beyond myself...and yet I know it's exactly what God wants for my family...and for this teenage girl, whoever she may be.

I spent much of the morning looking through applications.  A friend from church is the exchange student coordinator in our area, so she's helping with the process.  She knows what to look for...and apparently my idea of finding one that was about my size so she could share her clothes with me, is not one of the criteria...I can't imagine why ;)

I'll fill you in more on the process as it goes along! :)  Please pray for my family and especially for this sweet girl who is going to join the crazy fun that is Life in the Parsonage :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just Thinking...

I spent most of yesterday being completely entertained by your comments.

Hair is just so much fun...I can't explain it.

I have a couple shots of the side and back...because I had requests...and I aim to please. The side shot:

I hadn't taken a back-shot the other night, so I did it today...which means I took the back this morning, so it's not as straight as when my stylist does it...because she's a professional, and I'm lazy.

OK, on to other stuff.

  • I have Ladies Bible Study tonight and I can't even begin to explain all that God is doing within me right now. Most of it I'm just pondering in my heart for the time being. I gotta let it settle and sink in, good and deep, and then I'll fill you in :)
  • Big day for America today. My guy did not win in November. Hate when that happens. I did refrain from putting on sack cloth and mourning today though ;) And I will watch the speech...kinda like one who sits and watches a train wreck because they just can't peel their eyes away. I disagree with President Obama on some major things, but as the president, I will treat him with honor and respect because of the office he holds. I will refrain from getting a bumper sticker that says "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him" because those thoroughly annoyed me during Bush's terms as president ;) It's easy to give honor and respect to someone who agrees with me, it's much more difficult to give when that person so fundamentally disagrees with me, but it does not change the fact that both people deserve the same respect. I can disagree without badmouthing...which is a fundamental truth I want my children to see and learn.
  • If anyone is interested in the why of my disagreement with President Obama, Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee has an excellent post that sums it up perfectly...because, well, she's a writer...
  • I want to commit to praying for the new First Family, because I can't imagine the stress that comes from his position. And now that I've started watching 24, I'm convinced there are bad guys that are smarter than the government lurking around every corner :) For real. I have no idea how they keep the president and his family safe from crazy people, but I pray that each on is guarded and protected today by someone much more powerful than secret service.
  • And is it just me, or does anyone feel like they're gonna have a heart attack after every episode of 24?!? My heart races the entire time...I think it may be a better workout than running on my treadmill. I need to get caught up on all the seasons...but I don't think I'll be doing marathon watching of this particular show. Better stick to one episode at a time.

Happy Inauguration Day everyone!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Rock Star Hair

I got my hair cut. Again. I can't help myself. I can't explain it, but my hair needs to be different, even if it's just a little bit. I like to try new things. It makes life fun. This hair cut makes me feel like a rock star...literally.

Funny thing real life, people have opinions. And you know what...they like to share them...even when ya haven't asked for them ;) Anyone have this happen?!? It's an interesting phenomenon.

Not everyone appreciates my constant tweaks with my hair. Apparently, when you happen across a style they like, they expect you to keep it that way...indefinitely. For me, that is never. gonna. happen. At least not likely.

You see, I'm a firm believer you can like your hairstyle and still change to another one. Cutting edge, I know.

I think there should be some hair rules that we all live by. I might get them printed on a t-shirt that I will then wear for several days after a haircut...just to prove my point.

Here's my new rules:

1) If I ask for your opinion, then let me have it. If not...a simple smile will do.

2) A girl can do with her own hair as she pleases. If the same hair cut for 10 years is what you like, so be it. If you like to change it up, go right ahead.

3) I feel like a rock star...which doesn't really fit, but I think I pretty much wrapped up the rules in #1&#2.

Any rules you wanna add?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Never Too Late...

Guess what?!?

I never showed you Christmas pictures...I was saving them...for January 17th...just for kicks.

You could believe that...or you could believe that I have nothing else to blog about.

You pick.

Here goes...

Christmas Eve with my's my little bro, me, my sister and dad

Jake on Christmas morning, totally rockin' the Rudolph jammies my mom got him at a garage sale...Ben, settling for a Rudolph nose, but wishing he had Jake's jammies.

Joy and...a bazillion Legos.

Next, is quite possibly the best gift ever. It's a reindeer...that poops jelly beans. Genius.

My parents gave me a Starbucks ornament. Perfection. Also, I do have to say, the pictures I took this year at Christmas' were less than year will be better.

And we also ate...a lot...with reindeer antlers on.

And last but not least, is Christmas with Ben's side of the fam. He has 3 sisters and 3 brothers, and most have married and reproduced, obviously. My kids have aunts and uncles and cousins coming out their ears...and I love it that way! It's crazy fun.

And Happy New Year!...17 days into it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It Smarts a Little...Again

Kids...they crack me up...and teach me about myself. I've mentioned before that my own behavior sometimes resembles a 3 year old...apparently I'm maturing. Now it represents that of a 6-7 year old. I call that progress.

The other night when I was sick, I laid in bed listening to Ben put the boys to bed (which he always does, I'm just not usually paying such close attention :).

He was trying to settle something between our two oldest. One had promised the other he'd give him a dollar, and then tried backing out of it. Ben was patiently explaining to him that you do what you said you'd do, even if you change your mind, but the one would NOT give up the dollar. We're talking some serious wailing and gnashing of teeth over a simple dollar.

I hear Ben say, "Trust me, just give him the dollar and it will be fine." You see, the one having such a problem giving over the dollar, had also lost a tooth moments prior to this ordeal. I read Ben's mind...I knew that if the toothless boy would just simply hand over the dollar, Ben would make sure the tooth fairy compensated him for his obedience ;)

But that would be too easy. Our son would not give it up. Instead he tried making a deal with the other brother. He offered him toys, toys that cost WAY more than a dollar, all in hopes of not giving up that precious dollar that he thought meant so much to him.

In the end, the toothless boy handed over the dollar to his brother...and by handed, I mean throwing it at him followed by angry stomps and words under his breath.

Needless to say, the tooth fairy was not feeling too generous after that lovely display.

As I laid in bed in the other room, I thought to myself...give me a break, it's a dumb dollar kid! And then I heard my own words, whispered back to me...and I suddenly saw myself.

How many times do I hold onto silly, insignificant things worth less than a measly dollar. God asks me to hand them over, because I'm His, and I said I would. He has something so much better for me, yet I weep and wail as though they are the most important things, all the while God is patiently waiting for me to hand them over, knowing that He can't give me more until I let go of the little I have.

And when I do finally surrender often, OFTEN looks like that of my toothless son. Throwing them down, stomping off, muttering under my breath how unfair it is, and what a terrible idea it is...not quite the obedience He's asking of me.

Funny how I don't see it that way, until the Holy Spirit whispers my own words back at me...through the actions of my kids.

Working on the surrender thing over here...still working... :)

On another note, but actually not completely unrelated, I have a little favor to ask of all the wonderful people that happen to take the time to read this insignificant little blog...a bloggy friend has set up a special (surprise) project for a family whose story is gut-wrenching...the idea is that you click here and then leave a word of encouragement for them. That's it. (You can also read more about their story as well.) A simple way to let them know they're not alone, that they're being lifted up in prayer...the comments will eventually be printed out for them into a book. Encouraging words, whether in times of pain or joy, either by friends or strangers...bring healing. It's such a simple thing to do...

Thank You!
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