Friday, January 2, 2009

It Makes Sense

So, I've been throwing around the title of a certain little book that has now become my newest friend.

The House That Cleans Itself. It does not, in fact, mean that it will clean itself (disappointing, I know.) But it is a sort of system for setting up/organizing rooms in your home in a way that helps them to stay more clean more easily.

The author, Mindy, who I like to refer to as Mindy, since the book and I are friends and all says it like this...

By adapting the environment to compensate for and/or eliminate the behavior, you house will stay clean longer and with less effort than you ever imagined.

Makes sense to me. I have no idea yet if this will work because I'm still in the stage of making and even HUGER mess while I try to sort/organize/clean/purge etc. It's a big fat mess around here right now.

Now, I'll be honest with you...I'm not a very messy person. I like stuff picked up and fairly organized, because when it's not, it makes me feel CRAZY inside. It just does. But the way I had mine set up, it was completely wearing me out trying to keep it looking somewhat neat. A clean house is relative for everyone. Mine was feeling VERY cluttered and out of control, thus the need for the book ;)

Two things in it have really helped me in this process.
  1. The whole organizing each room so that everything has a place that is EASY to put stuff away.
  2. Everything in my home, no matter how tiny or big takes my time. This was HUGE for me. If I have to keep touching something to move it, haul it, pick it up, clean it, etc then that is MY time. Only stuff that is worth it should stay. This seriously was a revelation for me. Why do I keep moving stuff season after season and even day after day that I don't really even like?!?

New perspective. I love that.

I'm also eagerly anticipating getting organized so that this system can start working. Right now, it's just a big disaster that's making me crazy.

More on Monday... :)

Have a great weekend, friends!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last Day

Hard to believe 2008 is going to be over soon.

For the most part, years go by and they all seem to blend together. But 2008 held a lot of joys, and a lot of tough stuff. I have a feeling this past year will stay around in my heart for awhile.

The good...the bullet form (with pieces of it missing because I'm too lazy to spend more than 15 minutes on a post ;)

  • February I started blogging...on a total whim. I had no idea the amazing friends that it held in store. It is so much fun to peek into each of your lives.
  • Winter here felt like it would never end. In March my Ladies Bible study began the Seeking Him study. God used it to make my walk with Him so much deeper, closer. It was harder than I had ways I can't explain, and many times I wanted to just give up and run back to where I felt comfortable...even if it did make me miserable inside. That's when I realized that that temptation, to give up and not trust where He's leading will always be there...always. I can't run from it, or hide from it. I've got to acknowledge it, and then cling to Him for the help I need to keep pressing on according to His will...not mine. I also realized that pride: it's an issue for me...just a little bit ;)
  • Spring finally came. It was blissful. I even ran my first race (since highschool)...then the EF5 tornado came to tiny-town. Exactly 2 weeks later we were evacuated as our entire little town filled with flood water. Summer turned out to not be quite what I dreamed of all winter long...but amidst the tragedy and the tears, there was joy and fun, and I saw once again that life keeps going on, one day at a time.
  • In June Ben and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary with a little getaway/conference. Only we would think a get-a-way to our church's state conference can also be romantic...explains a lot doesn't it? :)
  • By fall, tiny town was in recovery mode, and while much still needs repair, so much has also been restored. Tiny town is forever different and forever the same, all mixed together. I love this place...even without a gas station.
  • Friendships have grown and deepened this year. Reconnecting with old friends, who I share a history with, and making new friends who can easily see me for who I am today, has been such an encouragement to me...and well, just FUN!
  • My boys have grown so much in this past year...I can hardly write about them without getting choked up. I tend to get lost in the madness of each day...the craziness, and then before I know it, I'm looking back over the past year. They are amazing, and each completely unique. This next year, it's the cry of my heart to enjoy the day...not get lost in weariness that comes along with it.

Looking ahead...

  • January 6th, we will be starting this Bible study. Can I tell you how desperately I need it?!? I'm giddy with anticipation...anxious to continue this journey with Him.
  • Dis-cip-pline. Need me some. Need me A LOT.
  • Organization: I mentioned a book yesterday. It's great...really. I'm gonna post about it on Friday. There will also be pictures of the huge messes I've made in an attempt to get organized...because seriously, its therapeutic looking at someones elses mess, no?!? It is.
  • Blogging: I'd like some new vocabulary, ya replace: hilarious, crack me up, cute, totally, get the idea, I don't need to tell YOU that I use the same words ALL the time. If ya'll have any suggestions, do tell.
  • I can't possibly anticipate all this next year will hold...but I know Him who holds it in His hands...and that makes it ok.

Happy New Years Eve!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I See...

Better late than never...right, RIGHT?!? Actually...I know I said this last time, but for real...this is my last video post...until I get a different camera. A girl can only take so much...

Someday...I'm going to actually make mine interesting. Someday.

Head on over to 2nd Cup to see more lovely "vlogs" and maybe even join the party. You know you want to.

Monday, December 29, 2008


What was I thinking? Anyone? Anyone know?!?

Sara @ Butterville came up with this idea...a bedhead carnival...then she dangled a Starbucks giftcard in front of me...and me and my big mouth said we'd join...yeah. I should have consulted my hair first, because it would have reminded me how disobedient it is...but I'm a girl of my word.'s always their fault...tempting me with their tasty lattes...

If you've ever needed proof that I, Sarah @ the parsonage, will do pretty much anything for the chance at a $5 gift card for coffee...well, here it is.

I made your day didn't I.

Now...well, you owe me. Click here and tell Sara that I should totally win.

I should also totally learn to think before typing as well...note to self.

Maybe you want to join in too?!? C'mon...a little self humiliation is good for the pride issue ;)

Speaking of will continue tomorrow because it is this:

Click on the button for more details ;)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cheap Therapy

Just dropping in quick to say...

  • hi
  • I miss ya'll
  • Christmas was to come...when I find my camera.
  • The weather here is making me CRAZY. I won't get into it.
  • I am going to re-paint every surface in my home until it feels like I am in sunshiny California or somewhere WARM.
  • I'm off to work on that now...oh wait, that's right, it's sleeting/freezing rain here so I cannot leave my home. Again.

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. *insert weeping and gnashing of teeth*

Think the weather's getting to me? Someone needs a tropical vacation...or at least some vitamin D. *smile*

Wow...I feel better now. Thanks for listening.

Cheap therapy blogging is.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Signing Off...

For now.

Too much to do...and it turns out that sitting at the computer staring at a blank screen is FAR more appealing than getting anything done.  

Who'da thought?!?

So, I'm signing off until after Christmas, (which will undoubtedly be the 26th because we all know I won't be able to wait any longer than that)  I will try to come out of my sugar-induced coma and enter back into bloggy world where all my imaginary friends live.

I shall miss you.

Have a fantastically Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Do you ever have days where you're just crabby for no good reason?

That's me today.

I started a bullet point list of all the things that are making me cranky (you know, in attempt to justify it)...turns out, the list just ended up annoying me so I deleted it :)

Turns out, there really is no really good one anyway. Dang it. It's so much nicer when I can blame my heart condition on some outside the ungodly weather right now...

Truth heart has wandered from it's true source of joy, wisdom, hope...truth...which only comes from one Jesus.

I know this doesn't make sense to some...but when I met him 16 years ago, He gave me a new life.

He replaced anger with joy, and rationality with faith, and selfishness with love. But my's forever wandering...trying to run back to what it was...because that's easier.

Sometimes I let it. And then become miserable. And then, like a child, I realize where I'm at...and turn back for home.

The prodigal in the story.

But Jesus...always the Father in the story...always.

*The story can be found in Luke chapter 15 verses 11-32*
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