Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Can't Help Myself...

It's been six months since I wrote this post. (when all but 5 of you were not reading)

Guess what I did on Saturday? C'mon guess.

Yep...I cut bangs...again. *sheepish grin*

But, GOOD NEWS! I like them this time. For now anyways.

I decided I needed to have a heavier fringe (that's bang term I learned in the countless magazines I flipped through)...

I also colored it...the exact same color it already is, but with dimension. And dimension is code for: no one else will even be able to tell a difference...not even me, even though I will try to convince myself I can.

Apparently there's something in the air here, because I also feel the need to re-paint and re-arrange everything in my house.


How 'bout you...what's changing out their bloggy friends?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

One Answer...

I've been avoiding the news for quite some time now. I'm annoyed with all the "analyzing" of candidates.

I heart politics. I do. But I do not like debating about it.

My minds made up. Morally, ethically, socially, economically, I fall on a certain side...BUT, do I think my party is "the answer"...absolutely not.

I think both parties fail...miserably. I pick one, I pick a side because it's America, it's how it works.

I think there is one answer. And he is Jesus.

Makes me think of a song :)

My favorite part (I've highlighted in the fab color of orange) is a spoken part of the song..and it is RIGHT ON.

You can listen here. Enjoy.


What this world needs

Is not another one hit wonder with an axe to grind,

Another two bit politician peddlin` lies,

Another three ring circus society.

What this world needs Is not another sign wavin` super saint that's better than you,

Another ear pleasin` candy man afraid of the truth,

Another prophet in an Armani suit.

What this world needs

Is a Savior who will rescue,

A Spirit who will lead,

A Father who will love them in their time of need.

A Savior who will rescue,

A Spirit who will lead,

A Father who will love,

That's what this world needs.

What this world needs

Is for us to care more about the inside than the outside.

Have we become so blind that we can't see?

God's gotta change her heart before He changes her shirt.

What this world needs

Is for us to stop hiding behind our relevance.

Blendin` in so well that people can't see the difference

And it's the difference that sets the world free.

What this world needs

Is a Savior who will rescue,

A Spirit who will lead,

A Father who will love them in their time of need.

That's what this world needs.


People aren't confused by the gospel,

They're confused by us.

Jesus is the only way to God,

But we are not the only way to Jesus.

This world doesn't need

My tie, my hoodie,

My denomination, or my translation of the Bible,

They just need Jesus.

We can be passionate about what we believe,

But we can't strap ourselves to the gospel.

Because we're slowing it down

Jesus is going to save the world,

But maybe the best thing we can do

Is just get out of the way.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My Life...

Do you ever have one of those moments where you feel like you're looking at your life as an you're looking in, watching it?

I do. All the time.

And I always think..."Oh. My. Word."

One of those moments occurred just yesterday.

The inside of my mini-van was disgustingly dirty...and I am not exaggerating. I will spare you the details. So I drove to the car wash, went through the automatic section washed the van, scraped vacuumed it out, and then proceeded to wipe the interior down wipes. BABY WIPES. And ya know worked quite well, I highly recommend it.

And midway through, I thought to myself..."If they could see me now..."

Oh, but it gets better.

After that ordeal I decided to pull the van into the wash bays where people, who are not as lazy as myself, actually wash their own hand.

I decided that the only thing that would get the rubber mats that line the floor of my van, clean, would be the power-washer that sprays out soapy water at roughly 150 mph.

So I hung the mats along the hooks on the wall, inserted my quarters and then pulled the trigger of the power-washer wand. Turns out, you should make sure you are an adequate distance from the floor mat BEFORE pulling the trigger, otherwise it will ricochet off and spray you, until you are totally soaked and your hair (which you took the time to straighten today) will turn curly in a matter of 1.5 seconds.

Not that I know this from experience. But if such a moment ever happened to me...I would think (again) "If they could see me now..."

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Don't Get It...

Just thinking...

There's a weird phenomena that occurs in my life.

One day, I feel like I'm staying on top of everything...or at least keeping my head above a wife, mom, pastor's wife, friend etc

And then the very next day or moment I feel like a complete and total failure at everything.

Logically this does not make sense. After all, if one day I'm a loving wife, patient & organized mother, ministry minded, available for all my friends kind of can I, the very next day, be a selfish wife, at-my-wits-end mom, spiritually drained, friend who never calls you back.

Hmmm...kinda makes me think I'm actually all those things, all the time. I'm not either/or...I'm both. I'm human.

More of Him, less of me.
SO. Much. Less. of. me.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Carry On...

While Noah was busy scoring his first touchdown in flag football, his brothers were busy doing this...
And this...

No...I did not feel the need to ask Jake if he'd eaten some dirt...I think it's fairly obvious.
I'm the mom who was actually relieved that there was something for them to do so I could watch the game. ;)
Carry on boys...carry on.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Imaginary Shopping

OK, so there's a little Internet past-time that I love.

I like to call it...imaginary shopping.

Here's what you do.

Go to your favorite website. It can be clothing or home furnishings or whatever would be fun to purchase but you totally can't afford.

Key word: WOULD be fun to purchase.

My personal favorites are here and here and here.

After getting to your favorite site, the fun begins. You simply shop. Put outfits together, plan a room, dream away. No need to look at prices either...fabulous, no?

Each time you just click "Add to shopping bag/cart"

When finished, you get to look at all your "purchases" and admire what a great shopper you are. Then...

you leave. Do not proceed to the "checkout" button. THAT button must be avoided at all costs. Do not checkout. It's not part of the game.

I will not be held personally responsible if you, lets say, CHEAT and purchase something.

See! No money spent...and placing those finds in your imaginary shopping bag feels, if just for a moment, like they were yours.

I know what you're thinking..."it's just not the same"...I know, I know. BUT, it is really helpful in figuring out what you really truly like...what your style is. So maybe, just maybe, when you find a cheap inexpesive knockoff somewhere, you'll totally know what to do with it ;)

Now...go enjoy... *smiles* weird am I that I really think this is fun!?! :) Weird-O

Monday, September 8, 2008

Do Not Blog List

The other day I noticed my Labels/Stuff I Write About list along my sidebar...and thought geeesh, that's a lot of stuff.

But in reality, all the stuff I don't write about would make a much longer list.

When I started blogging, I knew there were certain things that I would not be able to share with the blog world.

In relationships and especially in ministry confidentiality is key. After all, who's gonna wanna come pour their heart out to me if there's a chance I'm gonna post about it?

I call it my "Do Not Blog" list.

You see, where I live it's a small world...a very itsy bitsy teeny tiny little world.

Tiny Town
+Tiny Church
+20 minutes away from small town where both my husband and I grew up
= Microscopic world.

You add in those three elements, and it is amazing how quickly people can connect the dots. There's no use in trying to disguise names in order to world is just too small. And, I like it that way.

Here's my list: (some of it anyways)
  • Ben, my husband: Oh sure, I'll do it occasionally, because he really is a great husband, and daddy, and pastor...but I'm selfish, and I like to keep him to myself ;)
  • Frustrations involving: immediate family, extended family, Church family, friends, acquaintances, tiny-town residents, our school system, etc.
  • Private conversations
  • Annoyances (unless it's just with myself :)
  • Difficult circumstances that involve anyone in my real life
  • Church "business"
  • Anything that could totally humiliate my boys or anyone I know.

Guess what...that's a lot of stuff...a lot of my life that can't be blogged about.

Which pretty much leaves the list of things on my sidebar, which boils down to a total and complete hodge podge (I love that word.)

I love reading your blogs...getting a glimpse into your lives. I realize though, that it truly is just a glimpse.

So, I'm curious. What's on your "DO NOT BLOG" list?

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