There are certain things that you just don't want to hear from your pastor's wife. Things like ...
- personal or private details about the pastor ;) and
- that she too finds it difficult to spend time in God's Word.
Oh...there are other things you'd rather not know too, but I'll stop myself.
I've had the privilege of being in four different churches (not counting mine now) since becoming a Christian. Each pastor's wife was uniquely gifted for their role, and each showed wisdom...wisdom that only comes from His Word.
I always assumed they spent hours, HOURS daily with God...studying the scriptures, gleaning all they could. Because after all, they're the Pastor's Wife...if they can't do it, what did that mean for me?!?
Funny how life flops you to the other side of the fence sometimes. Let me tell you...the view from the pastor's wife side looks a tad bit different to me now.
I learned that she faces the same excuses that I did...
I'll read it later...gotta get just one more thing done...I'll be ok without it...I've read and studied it before...I know what's in there...
All lies...and all...believable.
Yesterday my running partner and I ran for the first time in a week. I wanted to die. It hurt. I make it so much harder on my body when I don't run consistently. It's something that I need to do regularly...I can't call myself a runner, if I ran in the past, but no longer do...a runner is someone who RUNS.
So it goes spiritually. Getting by on what I read in the past, experienced in the past is not gonna cut it. I make it so much harder on my ENTIRE life when I don't spend time with Him...daily...hourly...minute by minute.
You'd bless me beyond words if you'd life your pastor's wife before Him today :)
On a totally unrelated note...
I've received, what may be the cutest blog award. Ever. Wanna see?
Enthusiastically ElleBee passed along the "I heart your blog" award, and I heart it and I heart her blog too. You should go plop in and say hello!
I'd like to pass it along to some of my newest blog reads/friends that I really love reading.
Rachel at Musings of a Future Pastor's Wife. Her hubby is in seminary (which bring back some memories for me :) and she just survived Gustav...blogged right through it, which totally impresses me, by the way. She's a wise one, and I heart her.
Colored with Memories is another one that I love. You've gotta go read her Tuesday post about mommy competitiveness...cracked me up!
And Cassandra at Tripping Around the Sun. I relate to her and frankly...I adore her and her blog.
I'm also adding these ladies to my blogroll, so you can find them there too.
Happy Wednesday!