But in reality, all the stuff I don't write about would make a much longer list.
When I started blogging, I knew there were certain things that I would not be able to share with the blog world.
In relationships and especially in ministry confidentiality is key. After all, who's gonna wanna come pour their heart out to me if there's a chance I'm gonna post about it?
I call it my "Do Not Blog" list.
You see, where I live it's a small world...a very itsy bitsy teeny tiny little world.
Tiny Town
+Tiny Church
+20 minutes away from small town where both my husband and I grew up
= Microscopic world.
You add in those three elements, and it is amazing how quickly people can connect the dots. There's no use in trying to disguise names in order to share...my world is just too small. And, I like it that way.
Here's my list: (some of it anyways)
- Ben, my husband: Oh sure, I'll do it occasionally, because he really is a great husband, and daddy, and pastor...but I'm selfish, and I like to keep him to myself ;)
- Frustrations involving: immediate family, extended family, Church family, friends, acquaintances, tiny-town residents, our school system, etc.
- Private conversations
- Annoyances (unless it's just with myself :)
- Difficult circumstances that involve anyone in my real life
- Church "business"
- Anything that could totally humiliate my boys or anyone I know.
Guess what...that's a lot of stuff...a lot of my life that can't be blogged about.
Which pretty much leaves the list of things on my sidebar, which boils down to a total and complete hodge podge (I love that word.)
I love reading your blogs...getting a glimpse into your lives. I realize though, that it truly is just a glimpse.
So, I'm curious. What's on your "DO NOT BLOG" list?