I've resisted...(even though I do heart the color green).
In my head, to Go Green, also meant buying into the whole global warming thing...which by the way...I do not.
The more I read on global warming, the more I'm convinced that its mostly a political agenda used to promote oneself. Back to my point...
Then, this week while at the grocery store, I decided to purchase this:
Because I thought to myself...
- That would hold a lot of groceries
- It's cuter than plastic bags
- Go me.
I had a revelation in the grocery store.
I can do my part to not be completely wasteful. Being a little green does not have to mean I buy into global warming. The two do not have to go hand in hand. I do not think the life span of our earth depends upon humans being green. God created it, and He has said in His Word that He's coming again and there will be a new heaven and a new earth...I'm pretty sure He didn't mean that this was dependent on us mere mortals taking care of it. Pretty sure ;)
But I can respect what He has created while still glorifying the creator over the created. Which, for me, means I now have two of those cute little canvas bags AND I'm attempting to start recycling (more than just pop cans). I have to say, I'm not particularly enjoying the whole recycling thing...baby steps, baby steps.
So...I'm going green...a very light shade of green :)