- First day of school for first grader and kindergartner. Up and at 'em at 7AM with a breakfast of champions... bacon and toaster strudel. De-lish.
- Take "first day of school pictures", take to school, take more pictures, finally leave school.
- No crying...by anyone. Phew. It'll take a little while for reality to set in for me...in a week or 2 I'm sure I'll have a sobbish type post for you.
- Went to grocery store with JUST 3 year old.
- Came home and made 2nd pot of coffee at 10:05. Don't judge...it's a big day.
There. If all else fails and I can't think of anything to blog about I can bore you with my day's schedule. Aren't I lovely.
Oh wait. I do have something I was going to share. I've been working on cleaning closets for what seems like weeks. This weekend I tackled mine. I decided to buy a thingy to hang my necklaces on so I could see them better (in hopes of actually wearing them more frequently)
The finished product:
Notice a theme? It's called PLASTIC. I have a fondness for plastic jewelry. I can't help myself. I'm just classy like that ;)