Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It Is That Bad...

I'm having one of those weeks, where I have a bunch of stuff that needs to get done...and I haven't fully completed any of it. I start one project, and instead of completing it, I get distracted by something else...which is what this post is going to be...distracting.

I give you...the dining room wall:See those lovely spots? I did that. Our walls our textured (because they're really old and texture hides cracks) so when the boys, throw stuff at them or fall into them, the paint rubs off leaving white scuff marks all over the place. I decided to fix them...with the WRONG color of paint. Apparently I have a little obsession with the mocha/gingerbread color...5 different gallons of it in the basement, none matching this wall. Where is the paint?!? I've driven myself nuts trying to find I will have to re-paint the entire ROOM. Nice going, Sarah. I could kick myself.

Next: The desk in our home-office:

What you can't see, is the four other canvas baskets filled with more papers that are begging to be filed/shredded. The problem is...the computer...evil little Dell is sitting right there on THAT desk. I start sorting, and then I hear the blogs calling me...or those dang Webkinz games (but I don't want to discuss that.)

And, in case I've deceived you all with the magical abilities that the flash of a camera has on softening flaws...I give you me, in all my scuzziness. No make-up, hair hasn't been washed in 2 days...TWO days...don't worry...I'm FOR SURE getting in the shower after I get this posted. Seriously, ya'll should be feeling pretty darn good about yourselves right now, am I right!?!

When I logged on this morning I found some sweet, sweet comments from a new blog friend, Jodie. She was commenting on this post. She wrote that she "bet's my scuzzy isn't that bad." So sweet of her. So wish she was right :)

Let's all praise God today for shampoo, and make-up...and flash photography! (Although I am SO PROUD of myself for FINALLY figuring out how to turn off the flash on my camera!! WOO HOO! Go me.)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Who From Our Do

I feel there's something you should know. I am a DVR freak. For those of you who may not have experienced this amazing machine, let me explain to you (in very technical terms) what it does.

It records (very simply) TV programs. It pauses live TV. It enables me to watch TV without commercials. WITHOUT COMMERCIALS. I adore it. If you don't have need one. Think of all that precious time you'll save, not watching commercials! Seriously, go get (Unless you don't watch TV...then you probably don't need one)

One of the programs I record and watch, fairly regularly is Joyce Meyer. She speaks my and to the point. Joyce and I have some minor disagreements on a few (doctrinal) things, but it has not gotten in the way of our TV friendship. Last night, as I watched, much of the stuff she said really resonated, and I can't get it out of my head. Guess what that means?!? Bullet points.

  • We have to separate our "Who" from our "Do." Who we are is not based on what we do. Our "do" is sometimes going to be good, and sometimes it's doesn't change our "who." Sure, we want to do what's right, to show our love for Him, but in our humanness we will fail...a not be deceived that God's love for you changes because of your "do." His love for you is because of your "who." (OK, her explanation was better, but you get the point)

  • God asks us to do certain stuff, that seems hard, like FORGIVE, for OUR benefit. Everything He requires of us, is because He loves is for our GOOD.

  • When someone hurts us, and we harbor unforgiveness, we often expect that person (and everyone else) to repay us for that debt. But truthfully, they can never repay us. No matter how much we try to collect from them, they can't give us back what was taken. *deep breath* Only God can bring restoration where something was taken away.

There's more...but this is what I'm thinking on today...

Happy Tuesday, Friends!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Just Do It For Me...

What better to talk about on a Monday than poop?!? I hate potty training. Despise it. I am bad at it. My kids are bad at it. Jake is almost our house, that means it's that time...the battle is oh-so-on.

We have one bathroom in our house...upstairs. We have one lazy toddler who has decided that it's easier to poop in his diaper DOWNSTAIRS than to have to go UPSTAIRS to sit on the potty. I feel his pain...after all, I'm the one who almost moved her coffee pot to the office...I'm not in denial, I know where he gets his laziness from ;) BUT, I am the mommy. Mommy is tired, and not to mention grossed out by changing the diapers of an almost 3 year old.

Here's my bright idea. We keep his diapers, upstairs in his room. I'm now making him (rather than me) go upstairs to retrieve his own diaper when he needs to be changed, in hopes that he will start to decide that it really would be easier to just go on the potty. Great idea...if my child were not so stinking STUBBORN!

Here's the scenario all day long...

Jake: "I poopy"

Me: "Go upstairs and get a diaper"

Jake: "No, you do it"

Me: "If you want to be changed, you go get the diaper"

Jake: (talking to the dog) "Odie, you do it" (no response from Odie)

Jake: to Eli "Eli, you do it" when this doesn't work, he goes back to me....

It takes around a billion times of this conversation before he eventually heads upstairs and comes down with a diaper. Every. Single. Time. *silent scream*

I have read, watched, you name it, a ton of different stuff on potty training...what I really want, is for you to just take him away and bring him back when he is potty trained. Is that too much to ask?

(I should note...that if there happen to be any weirdos out there (with no sense of humor) reading this...I do Not actually want you to take my child away...ya never know :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

We Met at TJ MAX

Yesterday, my mom watched the kids for awhile so my sister and I could go shopping...with NO KIDS!!

We went to TJ MAX because I had a lovely gift card burning a whole in my pocket. That's where I met this lovely- shiny- perfect- shade of green- had my name all over it- purse!

I have to share it with that you to may bask in its cuteness. I'm all about sharing the love. Here it is, my friends....Here. It. IS...

Hmmm...glad I could share something so spiritual with you on this Lord's Day. Maybe I should've saved this for tomorrow... *smiles!*

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Is There Another Word For Random?

So far this Saturday morning I have managed to consume (inhale) two pieces of cake and 1/2 a pot of coffee for breakfast. All while trying to figure out the wonderful world of Webkinz. Oh you heard me right. We got Noah one for his birthday...he's been wanting one...and I had no idea how in-depth caring for a stuffed animal could be! Two hours of my life is now gone...thanks to our new friend, "Bucky", the "B&W Cheeky Dog." (really, I'm not making this stuff up, that's really the description this dog came with!)

This was the first of the three birthday parties Noah will have. Our families are both large, so we have to split up the parties...mine, Ben's, and my dad. Last night we had my dad and siblings over for supper. It went really well. I am praying that the Holy Spirit would help me know how to lavish love on my dad in a way that he can feel it or receive it, because it may look much different that what I think. I was reading in Philippians this morning, and came across this verse that really spoke to me...

Philippians 1:19 "I am going to keep on being glad, for I know that as you pray for me, and as the Holy Spirit helps me, this is all going to turn out for my good."

I keep reading and re-reading your comments from this. They bless me over and over. Now, if I could just figure out how to over-come my computer idiotness and learn how to print them steps.

Enjoy your Saturday!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Before and After...Again

I have to say a HUGE thanks to my friend, Shell, who made the amazing header! Doesn't it look fabulous!?! Getting it loaded was a big pain in the butt (for her...I gave up after 2 seconds.) She's super talented...and preggo right now and so stinking cute! I love her. You should probably go tell her thank you for saving you from looking at my generic header for ONE MORE DAY!

Ya'll know I LOVE a good before & after theme. It probably explains why I feel the need to watch any sort of make-over show, or buy any magazine that has before & after shots...there's just something about it...the transformation inspires me.

So, I've been talking about my first born here and here, oh yeah, and here. Today he turns 7. I will (of course) spend the day reminiscing about the day of his birth. I've already looked through the photo album, twice. I will spare you the details, except to say (again) that he was 9lbs 13 oz, I was induced, pushed for a hour and a half and had a 4th degree tear (for those of you who've had this, I can feel your empathy...for those who haven't, don't worry, I won't describe it for you.) He was perfect. He was my first. He made me a mom...and my love for him cannot be put into words.

So, my friends, you deserve before & after shots.



Time really does go so, so fast. I want to remember every little detail of his cute little smile with teeth missing all over the place. In seven more years he will be 14...excuse me while I go bawl....ok, really I'm fine :) I know, in my head, that Noah was not given to me so that I could keep him...he was given to me by the Lord for me to love, and train. To help him become a man of God, so that he could grow....UP...but my heart wants to keep him small....just for awhile longer...Happy Birthday precious boy.

This is totally off the subject, BUT, this morning, I actually contemplated moving the coffee-maker to the desk in the office. I mean, really, who says the coffee-maker HAS to go in the kitchen?!? There's room on the desk...and it would save me about 17 steps each way...we're talking 34 steps each time I need a refill! (and yes, I actually had to write 17+17 on paper to add it.) I think this is genius. Pure genius.

Happy Friday, friends!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Random "Boringness"

Can I get an Amen?!? You all blessed the red-patent (p)leather shoes right off of me yesterday!! Your SUPER thoughtful comments were such a huge encouragement to me...God spoke to me through you. I'm actually now looking forward to this particular journey...

OK, on to today...

  • I wish I could record an hour of my morning sitting at the computer...because it actually involves very little sitting. If you watched it in fast would show me (in my green fleece robe & bed head) sitting at the computer, trying to come up with a post, while my 5 & 2 year olds come in and out CONSTANTLY needing something...get up, sit down, get up, sit down....and accomplished: NOTHING!!! The little rascals, need nothing until I sit down at the computer. Why? WHY!?!?

  • My super-wonderful-lovely friend made me a new non-generic header for my is fantastic...but I (in my computer "idiotness") can't figure out how to load it...I'm waiting for her step-by-step instructions, and then I will share it with you in all its "fabulousness!"

  • My first-born turns 7 tomorrow. I am normally a very non-sentimental type person, but something about my children's birthdays makes me weepy. Yesterday, when I watched him walk into school, he turned around and waved and I started bawling. Nice. This from the mom who didn't cry AT ALL when he went to cries at the end of the school year. Go figure.

  • He picked donuts for his treat to take to school. Perfection. I went in to the local gas station, ordered 2 dozen donuts and...DONE! I love "making" treats to take to school. HA! As I just re-read this sentence I tiny town the gas station is also the local bakery and grocery store too :)

  • I have got a lot of junk to do today...junk I've put off all week...sorting paper work, actually putting the laundry get the idea. Plus, I should get dressed...who wants to visit the parsonage and find the pastor's wife all scuzzy in her green bathrobe?

Oh My. This may be the most boring post EVER! Sorry...come back again, it will be better...hopefully :)

UPDATE: while I was linking to everything, a man from church DID stop by, he needed me to unlock the church!! Lovely. *smiles*

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