and I thought to myself...Sarah, warn them. So, here is my warning to you ladies. If you see these lovely chips on the supermarket shelf, DO NOT BUY them, resist the urge. Walk yourself back to the produce aisle and get some carrots or grapes or something. Do you know why you should not buy these!?! Because you will eat 3/4 of the bag without even realizing it!!!! TRUST ME! Been there, done that (today.) I am apparently not feeling well enough to run...but have no problem devouring a bag of potato chips. Great. Just Great. *smiles*
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Don't Say I Didn't Warn You...
The Consequences...
This is Jake playing in his mess of
The boy can get into all kinds of naughty...just give him a chair.
WHY?!? Why the need to eat everything!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Run-On and On and On...
I decided to look up the definition of a run-on sentence: a sentence containing two or more clauses not connected by the correct conjunction or punctuation. OR blah blah blah, blah blah blah :)
Here is my justification for bad sentences: I want my "voice" to be heard in my writing, I want it to sound like me. For those of you who know me, in real life, you know that when I talk, it's ONE BIG run-on sentence. order for me to keep it real, I am forced to continually commit to using run-on's. It is for your benefit...really.
For those who can fully appreciate and appropriately use the English language, God bless you...for the rest of you, who can no longer remember (or care) about clauses and conjunctions, write on sister...write on :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I am about a quarter through Breaking Free. I'm usually a speedy reader...but this one I need to really let sink in. When I read a book, I always need my own copy because I like to underline sentences that stick out to me, so that later on I can skim back through and find what I'm looking for (you should see what my Bible looks like) Anyways, needless to say, much of this book is underlined already! It's amazing how well it fits in with the Seeking Him study...maybe too well :)
Here's some of what I'm learning so far...
- Changing my behavior & thoughts is HARD. And not all. I want a quick fix. And yet the deeper I get into this study, the more I realize how far I have left to go! I want God to do it for me...I want to just magically love difficult people...instead, God gives me opportunities to follow His instructions and love them. *God has said to me: Too bad little lady...I have a better way, keep on following Me and you'll see it*
- is a problem. It may be at the root of all problems. I sort of had my own definition of pride: Anyone who thinks they're better than someone else, or believes they don't need anyone else. Somewhere along the way, I adopted that definition...probably to convince myself that since I don't see myself as "better" then I obviously do not have an issue with pride. Wrong definition. SO WRONG. Seriously, any person who thinks they don't have an issue with pride is likely the very person with a HUGE pride problem!
- Pride = Self. That's what I'm learning. At the root of all the areas that need changing, self is the problem. I am learning to humble myself, because I do not want God to do it for me :) On a side note: humbling myself is something I have to do constantly. CONSTANTLY.
There's much more..but for now, the main thing is that I do not want to resist God changing me! And I'm looking ahead, longingly, for the day when changing seems easier...or there is less changing to be done! I know it will be worth it!
- A new blog friend has a wonderful post on spoke to my heart because it just "fits" with all this stuff I'm learning. She has a great way with words and God's truth!
I Said I Would...
It all started when my beautiful friend, Shell, who's having her first baby, said she felt huge. HA!...Oh Shell....this ones for you, hope it makes you feel better :)
Notice the black from head to toe...who was I kidding?!? Not even black could slim that baby body down!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Before and After
and the back...
and after
So there's been some slight changes since this summer can check here if you're not already completely bored :) If you've got some before & after shots, you better let me know!!