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Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Monday, April 29, 2013
Oh Jake.
Ben and I like to joke that Jake is (almost) 8 going on 80. Like a grumpy old man in a young little body. He's not easily amused or impressed, and on any given day he's pretty easily annoyed by whatever and whomever. And his "filter" is, well...we're working on that.
It's just one of his quirks. I like quirks in people, it's what makes us, us. That being said, the kids has some great qualities too...and dimples. Dimples are like my kryptonite. All he has to do is smile...
At school on Friday one of Jake's classmates declared that it was going to be a great weekend, which Jake then replied something to the effect of "I hope you have the worst weekend ever."
When his teacher repeated what he said to me, I couldn't help but wish he'd been using some sarcasm...but he hadn't. Jake was annoyed, and blurted what popped in his head.
As I sat Jake down that afternoon to talk about it, I said that part of maturing was thinking about what we say before we say it. Filter 101. So we ask ourselves, Is this kind? Is this helpful?
And in the back of my brain God is whispering, do you hear yourself?
And as a parent, I was disappointed that he chose those words...but I've also been there. Or maybe I am there. I'm 35 years old, and I've learned to filter thoughts when in public. And, when you become a pastor's wife, God helps you install a double-filtration system for your tongue. It's like a requirement.
But at home...my filter is maybe not working so great. I'm quick to tell the kids all the things I think they are not doing right. Without really filtering if it's kind and helpful in training them. And I skip that part because I'm impatient and irritated.
And that's not ok.
So in the parsonage, we are all working on: Is it Kind? Is it helpful? And guess what?
It. Is. Hard.
I was trying to explain to Jake that it's a problem we all struggle with, even grown ups. But if we don't learn to tame our tongue we end up being rude and hurtful...and someone that people don't want to be around.
And that got me thinking...maybe the people who don't bother to filter what they say drive me so crazy because the rest of us are doing the work to filter! The hard work. It's like when I see people in pajama pants in public. It's not so much that I hate the pajamas (ok, maybe I do) but that if the rest of society goes through the effort of putting on some pants, then so should they.
Wait...was that kind? was that helpful? Hmmm. I'm not sure. See, still working on that. ;)
Friday, February 1, 2013
Eleven Days
(Actually, it's now 14 days since my last post. I started this one three days ago and then something else *hit the fan* so to speak.) So it's a little inaccurate now. Whatever.
*Deep, deep sigh*
Today all the kids are finally back to school and the flu has hopefully left our house for good.
We had an ice storm, and then last night we had a thunderstorm. In January. Weird. It's like the weather is matching all the other crazy stuff going on.
(No worries though, because we also had a snow storm and school was cancelled three days this week...that's just part of the update for you. Confused yet? I am.)
Our tiny little church was a part of two funerals in the past two weeks.
And some things you think would never happen. Happen.
And you pray. And pray and pray and pray some more.
Because life sometimes...well, it's terribly messy. And hard. And sometimes walking with people through their hard stuff brings a unique kind of pain.
And sometimes you just want to blame it on the terrible month of January, and let yourself believe that if you can just make it to February 1st, it will be better.
Because maybe it will.
A few weeks ago, I came across this verse from our Bible Study and although I'd heard it before, I heard it that time in a new way.
John 16:33
Jesus sets the bar at trouble. "You will have trouble" Period. It's like He said to me, expect it. Don't be shocked, and certainly stop trying to live life in ways to avoid the trouble. Life is trouble. But Jesus has told me the things I need to know and hear, so that I can have peace. And then He gives a big, fat, fresh dose of perspective by reminding me that these current troubles, are just itty bitty in the scheme of things.
Big picture: He has overcome the world.
The world, and all the crap that it has to offer and throw at me...I can deal with because of Jesus.
He has won already.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Not Fun Stuff
Lucy and I, because we spent the most time around him, are on tamiflu in hopes of avoiding it. We'll see if that works...
I was supposed to get my hair cut this morning. I had actual tears when I called the salon to try to reschedule. That's the bad thing about having such a great stylist...I'm on the cancellation list, but the soonest I could schedule an actual appointment is March 29th.
This is what my hair will look like by March 29th:
Thank you Google Images for this lovely photo.
I'm pretty sure I won't be wearing spandex pants by then though.
Pretty sure.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Last week I had one of those weeks where I just couldn't shake my bad mood. The fact that I couldn't pinpoint what was causing it just made my mood worse. That saying, "If mama's not happy, nobody's happy" couldn't be more true.
It was even more annoying that I knew my mood was terrible. I knew it was affecting my family, I just couldn't break free from it.
Until this weekend.
It had been a couple of weeks since I've been able to run outside. A couple of weeks without my running buddy.
Months of remodeling.
Kids with sickness.
A husband, whose already crazy schedule, was made even crazier by working on the remodel.
Cabin fever.
I needed a break. But sometimes, amidst the chaos, there just isn't time for a break.
Saturday I was able to run outside. 4.75 miles of therapy. I came home feeling better already.
On Monday, it ended up that Ben didn't need to help on the remodel project, and a dear friend took Lucy for us so we could just hang out.
I snapped this picture before we left. Happy? Yes. Dork? Yep.
We got groceries, used a gift card to Subway, and then sat at Starbucks for a couple hours. I worked on my Bible Study, pausing way too often to share thoughts and other random stuff that we just haven't had time to share lately. Ben read his book, and patiently put up with my interruptions.
It's funny how something that simple...and short, was so refreshing. It was a gift. And a lesson.
God has hardwired me a certain way and I need to be aware of it, before the "Sarah that no one wants to be around including myself" emerges.
- I need to run. Physically and mentally I need it.
- I need a break from my kids. I love them dearly, but the constant-ness of it all can be overwhelming.
- I need time alone with my husband. Even if it's just a few hours.
- I need to not live on a diet of sugar alone.
I made a pact with Ben. I told him he needs to help remind me of these things, BEFORE I end up in the place I was last week...the place of the wretched mood that won't go away.
You might notice that the list is void of the spiritual things I need. That's on purpose. I'm completely aware of the spiritual things I need. It's a lesson I had to learn and relearn a million times. I need to be in His Word, I need fellowship through prayer, I need to worship through music. It's my given. Last week all those things were present. And that's good. The above list, specific to me, was sort of God's unique personal touch on the other things I need as well.
How about you guys? Do you know what you need? Or, like me, do you easily forget?
I need internet too. I should have added that. ;)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Just Thinking...
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Riveting Stuff
I've tried gargling warm salt water (because this is what my Grandma has made me do since I was a toddler) but it's not helping all that much. I've also been spraying it with sore throat numbing spray, and that helps for about 1.5 seconds.
Any tips for me?
On a totally other topic
Also, yesterday on my morning run, my body was like, "What the heck?!? Where's the sugar? Where's the carbs? I quit." It felt terrible. So tomorrow I'm gonna give my body what it's used to having before a run: peanut butter toast and coffee.
Wow...aren't you glad I'm blogging again...riveting stuff here folks. Riveting.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
It's Necessary for Me...
The movie talked a lot about the food we eat. It was sort of the nail-in-the-coffin sort of deal for me. I've known for quite some time that I have a serious addiction to sugar. I love me some caffeine, we all know that, but I can go off it it without any serious symptoms or cravings (I do it regularly, just to be sure.) Regular or decaf, doesn't really matter...but sugar is a whole different story.
I knew I had a problem, and I knew I didn't want to give it up. It tastes so good.
My husband, the pastor, has also been preaching on idols...and how God hates them. HATES them. I'm always battling against idols...we all are...but this sugar/carb one has got. me. good.
Back to the documentary. Most people (including me) think this juice guy is crazy for doing it for 60 days, so he challenges them to 10 days. So I thought to myself...ten day, huh? The purpose of the fast it to get the junk out of your system in an attempt to re-train your taste buds.
So...I'm not on a juice fast...but I'm on a low sugar/carbs fast. Ten days. Today is day 2. Yesterday, I thought about sugar and carbs approximately 500 times per minute. My body kept saying to me...just a little bit, all you need is a little bit and you'll feel better...and I wanted to cave. So very bad. But every time my body whispered to me, it was just another sign of how desperately those substances are controlling me, and I am not designed and created to be controlled by anything other than my Heavenly Father.
Today, so far, is not much better. Sad. I contemplated drinking the maple syrup that's in the fridge door. I'm crabby, irritable, tired and all around unpleasant to be around. Lovely, no?
Here's an interesting article I read here.
I'll keep you posted on my progress...and, if you happen to battle an addictive personality...I get you.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I've Been Hiding...
I go quiet in real life too. I need time to think. To feel. To process...without everyones thoughts and input and words. I can't hear God when everyone else is talking to me...and so, for a time, I just sit at His feet...because He's the only one that understands me.
My last post was December 31st. At the time I wrote it, I didn't know that I would be spending New Years Eve with good friends...at a Hospice Home. Laughing, and crying, not knowing what to say, or what to do. Much has changed since December 31st.
God called Tate home to Heaven on January 3rd. My tears and hurt are not for Tate, because I know where he is, running around in that perfect new body that, here on earth, didn't cooperate with him.
I hurt for my son, who lost one of his best buddies. I hurt for my friend, who buried her son. I hurt for their family...because going on with life without Tate seems nearly impossible. My heart aches for them.
A new perspective has formed. Tragedy does that. It's a crash course in perspective. What I once would have seen as problems, both in my own life, and in others, now seem...well, sort of ridiculous.
Absolutely ridiculous.
I no longer am going to live my daily life wallowing in meaningless problems either my own or those around me. What a waste. Maybe that's not the best thing for a pastors wife to say...after all, we're supposed to sympathize with everyone, right? Or not. Maybe all the sympathizing is the wrong thing. Maybe sometimes, they need a good dose of reality as well. Maybe, like me, they need to be reminded to Get Over Themselves. That life is not about me. It's about what God wants to do through me...which is far greater that meaningless annoyances.
Let's grieve with those who truly need to grieve. Let's hurt with those who hurt. But let's also tell each other when we're being ridiculous.
My filter is gone, eh? ;)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Fun & Not Fun
- I had a birthday. 33 feels just fine so far.
- Christmasses (that's not a typo,)t's the new word for the never-ending celebrations of food and presents...what? you haven't heard of it? yeah, me either.
- We have entered the world of (red) Wii and Netflix. Both are fairly amazing. Oh, and Just Dance...which I remain undefeated in so far ;)
- Days before Christmas we found out that Noah's good buddy Tate's cancer has returned, and this time there is not much that can be done. It's devastating, I don't know how else to say it. Please pray for Tate, as he's in a lot of pain, and for his family...because how do you prepare to say goodbye to your child? Devastating.
Noah and Tate |
- Thanks for your prayers bloggy friends.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Grieving is an Odd Thing...
Monday, March 8, 2010
- Feeling huge. Uncomfortable. The fact that I had to take my wedding ring off because it was just uncomfortable on my sausage-looking hands.
- Doing routine house-work is now a daunting task with this figure.
- And speaking of "figure"...I went to Target the other day and I am not even kidding when I tell you that everyone stared at my belly as I walked by. I wanted to say to each. and. every. one. HAVEN'T YOU SEEN A PREGNANT LADY BEFORE?!?!? SHEEESH.
- The feeling that I'm trapped in someones else's body.
- People in my household not picking up after themselves...and certainly not lifting a finger to pick up anything left by someone else. Heaven forbid.
- Commercials.
- Filing taxes. Mainly, paying in more money to the state of Iowa. Very annoying.
- Whining. Crying. Ironic, no?
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Finding Words...
- They're not all that uncommon. They show up in 1-2% of ultrasounds and most often disappear by 32 weeks of pregnancy.
- They cause no harm to the baby's brain.
- They can be a very "soft" marker for other chromosomal problems. However, the rest of our ultrasound looked completely normal, so they are not very concerned.
- It's still enough to make this pregnant momma dissolve in tears.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Help Me...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Someone's Messing With Me...
Friday, April 17, 2009
I'd Like it Back
Don't tell me how cute it is. Just tell me about a magic pill I can take to make it grow faster.
In other news: There's this weird thing going on with my brain. It's delayed or something. I have lost track of how many times I've thought to myself "WHY did I not say such and such to so and so?!?"
It's like I leave a particular situation or conversation and realize I didn't say anything that I SHOULD have said. Ten minutes later (when it's too late) I think, oh yeah, it's her birthday or oh yeah, they had surgery etc etc etc!
It's weird. And it makes me seem insensitive...and it makes me feel insensitive. And I'd like it to stop. I'd like my brain to start working correctly again. Any time now.
I need a shirt that says: I'm not trying to be insensitive, I'm just really that forgetful and spacey. And don't worry because 10 minutes from now I'll realize what I should have said to you and I'll feel bad about it and I'll replay the conversation in my head and this time I'll say the right thing. Unfortunately, you will not be there for this conversation. My apologies.
Maybe that's a little long for a t-shirt...
I guess the good point of losing my brain is that so far, I'm not saying things I shouldn't. Because I can always go back to the person and add something in, but I can't take back something that's already been spewed out.
Maybe my brain will return this weekend. That would be nice. :)
Happy Friday Friends!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Making Me CRAZY.
Monday, March 9, 2009
What's Got Me So Cranky...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Do Over
What a lovely sentence ;)
SO, in other news...I am off to Wal-Mart. Exciting stuff. And maybe Starbucks...because I'll be right by it...sort of.
I am SUPER excited about pumpkin pie.
This is officially my worst blog day. Ever.
Please tell me yours is better.