Facebook keeps reminding me that its been 87 days since my readers have heard from me. And I think, that can't possibly be. But it's true.
Let's bullet and catch up and then try not to get so far behind.
- Tonight we start class 5 of 10 for foster care training. We've had 1 of 3 home visists by the licensing worker, and everyone we know has been contacted or asked to fill out various paperwork on our charachter and overall well being. We've filled out a bajillion forms and answered questions that date back to childhood. Next week, alllll of us go in for physicals to prove that we are healthy enough to foster. Fun times.
- I've read four books on my own, all based on parenting kids with trauma. Can you guess my area of concern?
- Every week at our training class (which lasts three hours) we have to do group work. I hate group work. And class participation. It's the worst. #introvertproblems.
- In the past 87 days we have bought a fire extingusher, lock box for medications, a fire escape ladder, and have gotten the bedroom all set up and ready to go. It's so dang cute.
- Plans for particular kids have been back and forth and on and off and then on again. It's a roller coaster that often leaves me feeling sick to my stomach, and impatient. It's all part of the gig. I repeat to myself over and over. And over. They are worth it. All of it...even group work, is worth it for the kids. My "no" is far harder on them than my "yes" is on me.
- I got that last part from Jason Johnson's Blog. It's some of my favorite reading material. If you're interested in foster care, or simply have someone in your life that is involved in foster care, go check it out. I've learned so much, and I wish I had read it before we got into foster care, because I feel like it would have helped me better support our friends who were doing foster care!
- There's lots more to our life than foster care. I promise. Our kids are growing like crazy. And man, I just like them. I often wonder how I got such great people. It's all by God's grace. I think I may have always secretly wondered that after they got out of the cute little-kid phase I might find them annoying. HA. Again, introvert problems. But, it turns out they are only annoying a leeetle bit of the time. It's fun to see them grow and mature. At the same time, I'm going to have a high school kid next year. And he's currently in drivers-ed and it makes me happy and sad all at the same time.
- I got a fit bit for Christmas and lost it last week. I'm undecided if I'm replacing it. I wasn't a huge fan of wearing it, and it's constant judging was a tad annoying. But still. It's like that dysfunctional friendship you just can't let go of...
- I'm working through this Bible Study and I love love love it. It's not super dynamic and exciting, which is what people are generally looking for. It's practical and life changing. "God's Word is for you, and for now." Plain and simple. If we ever want to truly know God and be changed by Him, we need to be in His Word daily and regulalry. It's Living Water.
- So there's my life for the past 87 days. Sorta.