Your comments on yesterdays post...well they just made my day. Turns out, I enjoy torturing people...who knew?!? I'm kidding, I totally knew that about myself already.
Secrets. My blog friend Jamie blogged about them today. Her sweet post got me thinking...and thinking leads to confession.;)
I'm really good with other peoples secrets. As a pastors wife you either are, or you ruin your ministry. I really think it's that simple.
With my own secrets...not so much. I can hardly wait for Christmas so I can give the boys their presents that I think they'll love. Actually, maybe that has more to do with my patience/instant gratification problem rather than secret keeping...digressing...
Back to point: When I found out I was pregnant I pretty much convinced Ben we should wait till the end of the first trimester to let people know. Which we did
...sorta. I told a few select people that are close to me, our little secret. Running partners, intuitive friends, that kind of thing. It helped my to keep the secret, secret to the general public because I still had a few people to talk with about it.
And should know, that there are indeed 4 other people besides myself, Ben and the ultrasound tech who know the gender of this wee baby. I cannot disclose their identities...for their protection. BUT, they are not family :) They are the close friends who actually seemed like they might explode if I did not tell them.
The reason for the secret...because surprises really are fun. For you.
PS - I do like that some of you bribed me with presents. You're good. Very good. I'm afraid it will disappoint you to know that the color scheme of everything I loved on Etsy was kelly greens, oranges, yellows and reds...otherwise known as gender neutral. They have these sort of 1930's ish prints that are so stinkin' a
dorable!!! I can't get past them.

Seriously, let's discuss their cuteness.