Barbie at Moments Memories Milestones was gracious enough to pass this along to me. I love reading her blog because it is refreshing and honest about her life as a woman and mom.
I've been blogging for about nine months now and I'm always learning something new.
The latest thing cracks me up. After hearing several of you mention the word Meme on your video posts, I realized that ALL THESE months I've totally been saying it wrong (not that you can hear me say it, but still)
I say, ME ME, but apparently it is pronounced like "meem"...the funny part is...that for the life of me, I can't change how I say it! I also spell it differently every time I type it, I figure that way I'm bound to get it right at least once.
So here's another MeMe from me to you :)
I'm almost positive that the last thing the bloggy world needs is more info about me...but it does say "random things" and you know I can't turn random down...or my bloggy friend Hollie that tagged me :)
Here are the rules.....
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
4. If you are tagged, just do it, and pass the tag along!!
1 - I hate the sound of people clipping their nails...HATE it. If I clip my own, it doesn't bother me so much, but other people...yikes. Don't even get me started on people clipping in public...or my teacher in high school that clipped his during class...barf. I also like the word barf, but not actual barf.
2 - Today I am going to lunch with Nicole...who leaves comments on my blog, and we "know" each other through facebook and mutual friends, but have never met in real life. I also have no idea what she looks like, so hopefully I'm not standing in the restaurant for too long before she finds me...it's kinda like a blind lunch date. I will most certainly take my camera along ;)
3 - I laughed my butt off last night while watching Jillian on The biggest Loser chew out the ladies for being lazy whiners. The best was when she said she wanted to puke all over herself for how nice she'd been to them...I heart her and her meaness...because it's effective people :)
4 - My hair in the morning is cra-zy. I don't mean a little messy or flat...I mean totally outta control...sometimes my Nike baseball cap can hardly contain it.
5 - I almost always never finish a whole book. I read 3/4 or so and then stop...figuring I've gotten the gist of it. Weird, huh.
6 - I am easily amused. Obviously.
Wow...I just made that meme really boring...that's unfortunate.
Need a post? I tag you.
I also have a little award to pass on...
Barbie from Moments. Memories. Milestones. graciously passed this on to me because of this post. Barbie is an amazing mom and woman of God, I always enjoy finding out what she's up to, go check her out...she's got some fabulous hair too ;)
You know by now, that I am terrible, TERRIBLE at following linking rules...I blame it on my laziness. Click these rules if you're a rule follower.
I love reading funny stuff from you guys...and let me tell you, there's a lot of funny stuff out there that makes me smile...all of which I can't remember right now. Memory: you fail me miserably.
But there is one that sticks out and makes me smile just THINKING about it! So, I'm passing this award on to Life's Little Quirks for this stinkin' adorable post! I love her, her blog, and the way she shares her heart and life...she's a witty little thing too. Amie...consider yourself awarded.
Enthusiastically ElleBee passed along the "I heart your blog" award, and I heart it and I heart her blog too. You should go plop in and say hello!
I'd like to pass it along to some of my newest blog reads/friends that I really love reading.
Rachel at Musings of a Future Pastor's Wife. Her hubby is in seminary (which bring back some memories for me :) and she just survived Gustav...blogged right through it, which totally impresses me, by the way. She's a wise one, and I heart her.
Colored with Memories is another one that I love. You've gotta go read her Tuesday post about mommy competitiveness...cracked me up!
And Cassandra at Tripping Around the Sun. I relate to her and frankly...I adore her and her blog.
I'm also adding these ladies to my blogroll, so you can find them there too.
Happy Wednesday!
I just love that it says BRILLIANT, don't you?!? Morning by Morning, whose blog I absolutely ADORE also passed this one along to me:
I'd like to pass it on to two, new-to-me blogs that I am really enjoying: Cup of Jesus and Lisa Writes...Both do an amazing job and sucking me right in each time I visit!
Tracy @ My Cup Runneth Over gave me this sweet, sweet award:
SHE is the one who is oh-so kind! If you don't know her...stop by and say hello...plus, she is one of the sweetest commenters EVER. I'm passing the award back to her. I'm not sure if this is legal...but we all know I bend the rules a little anyways ;)
Is it just me, or does linking wear you out?!? I need a nap...
On another note...(see the randomness) I had someone (again) ask me what in the world I "blog" about. Do people ask you this? Every time someone asks that I have to force myself from laughing out loud. It's hard to give an answer to that...I'd rather they read and find out themselves *cough*. Truthfully, it's a hodge-podge of stuff. Because that is what my life is! That's who I am! I'm never ONE way, all the time. Sometimes God is teaching and showing me deep stuff...other days, it's just about enjoying life...and trying (desperately) to put into practice what I've learned.
I wish I could write inspiring stuff ALL the time...but seriously...I want this to be "real" and the real Life in the Parsonage is a whole huge mish-mash of stuff. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have... go on...keep singing the song...you know you want to ;)
There...that's what I blog about...awards and blogging....oh my.
After: The Straight Version!
After: The Curly Version
Oh the excitement in my life... HA!
Too kind! She gives me an award and then says nice stuff about me...she is now my best friend ;) That's pretty much all it takes. I am smitten with blogging. Keeping up with new and old friends is just so much fun...and encouraging, to boot!
Seriously...I can't shut up about it! I better go humble myself now...
I think I get to pass the award on too! But how do I decide!?!?
For now though, I gotta go shower so I can do my hair and post ya'll some pics of the new cut. I know, I know, you're on the edge of your seat for this one...did I mention I got an AWARD!?!?
Given By: Enthusiastically ElleBee and Music Mom of 2
Given By: Becoming Me
Given By: Our Moments, Our Memories
Given By: Simply My Thoughts and Cup of Jesus
Given By: MeMe Lorie & Muddlin' Thru Motherhood & Cup of Jesus
Given By: Morning By Morning
Given By: My Cup Runneth Over