I've been thinking about time. And how bad I am at it.
I am not the best manager of time. I'm just not. Every night I go to bed thinking, "big fat fail today, but TOMORROW, tomorrow I will use my time better!" And then I don't.
I procrastinate and procrastinate and then hurry-like-crazy. Even when I am functioning is a sort-of-not-waste-of-time manner, I feel like I'm wasting time. To plod along like I believe normal people do, you know: Time Managers, seems totally do-able. But then it's not.
In reality, although I do waste a lot of time, I know that much of what I do only feels like time wasted, and IS REALLY NOT TIME WASTED. *yelling* Just kidding. Not yelling.
I thoroughly enjoy planning ways to manage my time well. I've got printable schedules and itemized to-do lists, all in pretty colors. In case pretty colors will help me with my time problems. Umm, they do not.
But anyways. It's part of who I am. Maybe God will redeem it. Maybe it's who I will always be. Either way, now it's written down so that when I am old and can't remember my husband, he will read me my blog and remind me who I am. Or was. And then we will die when we are old, at the very same moment. They should really make a movie like that...
Just kidding.
Yes. This.