Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm Trying...Sorta

Guess who's not all that fun to talk to these days?


Oh you heard me right. I'm trying my best to be pleasant...but the effort is strenuous.

Stren-u-ous. The smile in the picture above, for example. We took that at church on Easter Sunday. Easter is my favorite, without it my faith would be dead. It's also the one Sunday of the year that I make everyone dress up. The boys usually whine and complain, but this was me whining and complaining about finding something to wear...and by that I mean something that fit.

When you tell a non-pregnant, rational person that baby is scheduled to arrive in 12 days, they naturally think, WOW! SO SOON!

When you tell me, I think...12 days feels like forever.

It's not rational. But it is what it is.

I'm quite certain that God knew the precise amount of time it would take to create and form a human life, while at the same time knowing the exact limits of the woman. 40 weeks, give or take a few. Just the right amount of time for the woman to reach her absolute limit. So anxious to meet that little baby, and so ready to feel human again, that she's willing to endure any amount of pain to reach that outcome.

I'm there. Except the pain part...I'd really like the epidural in first. But still...


  1. You are so gorgeous prego, but I know you are ready to be done.....hang in there!!!
    Can't wait to see baby #4!!!
    oh, and I have missed you....;)

  2. I'm non-pregnant and kinda rational and when you said the baby is scheduled to come in 12 days I immediately thought "Oh man... it must be like torture for her!" But hey, maybe you'll go into labor tomorrow ;) Can't wait to see the little bugger! I'll pray that everything goes well and that you get that epidural in time :)


  3. I too have become a grump and I have 2 mths to go and oh, by the way, NOTHING that fits... nothing... 2 mths to go and right now I am wearing stretch shorts and my hubby's tee... NOT GOOD AT ALL!!

    went to the hospital last night to visit my friend's new baby and had a couple people smile and wish me luck with the baby... they thought I was having the baby now!!

    hope your time is soon!! and hope you can somehow savor these last few days of pregnancy.

  4. TOTALLY know where you are! And I think you are right. God knows how far to push us girls so we are willing to endure the pain of having a baby. We have to be at that "get it out NOW" point!!!!! Otherwise we might just say "no thankyou, I'm happy being pregnant!"

    Hang in there. I am praying for you and that sweet baby!
    in HIM-

  5. Totally know where you're coming from and really hoping you don't go late! I was a week overdue with my first and the WORST part was having someone ask me -- "You haven't had that baby yet?" It was all I could do to bite back a snarky reply. So here's hoping that baby is on time! :)

  6. I did that 4x as well....And I hear ya about the end...I weirded out each time! Extra grateful for grace~blessings to you these next weeks! And look mighty cute on Easter!

  7. You all look so cute in that picture. Hope that little one comes soon for you.

  8. I love the family photo! You really do look great. The baby CAN come early you know...maybe we should all start praying for that. I will!


  9. Some of us are nearly as anxious as you... some of us don't like surprises... some of us keep waiting for you to 'slip' a little too much information into your post so that we/ oops I meant THEY can say, yep, I just knew it was going to be a girl. (Or another boy.) I'm pretty sure it is going to be one of those. :-) Good luck to you and HAPPY EPIDURAL. I will pray for that ... and for a healthy little girl...(or boy.) :-)

  10. You are beautiful! This little one will be here sooner than you know it! Can't wait to meet her...or, um, him?!

  11. Girl, I'm sorry you're ”there”already. Being so miserable. You look beautiful, though!!

  12. You look great! I know it's not much fun though.

    Hang in there!

  13. I talked to Lizzy the other night and made a comment about how we would soon have a new little niece or nephew to enjoy and she said excitedly, "What?! Are you pregnant?!" I quickly reassured her that you, not I, are pregnant and that she and I will once again have a baby niece/nephew. It was comical! Afterwards, of course, we made gender predictions. :)


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