Friday, January 22, 2010

Because it Matters...

Can I just has been a week. As in, many friends and loved ones with hard stuff going on in their lives.

Phone calls, emails, lots of feeling helpless to help. Beginning and ending with telling them I'm covering them in prayer...and yet feeling like it sometimes seems insignificant.

And then I came across this in my Beth Moore homework.

We are so culturally indoctinated to be fast-paced, high-energy, hands-on kinds of people that we tend to think of prayer as a passive, nearly "do-nothing" reaction. We tend to pray when we don't know what else to do. Beloved, nothing shakes the heavenlies like prayer. Nothing moves the heart of God more than prayer. Furthermore, I'm not sure anything takes more energy at times than fervent prayer.

Prayer matters...more than anything else.


  1. Sarah, this simple post is exactly what I needed to hear this week. Thank you :)

  2. A very dear friend of mine is going through a great trial right now, and sometimes it seems inadequate to just say I'm praying for you. Thank you for posting that quote. It was very encouraging.

    By the way I just wrote a post about encouraging friends, and reminding people that when you say you're going to pray for them, do it!

  3. love that quote. and it is so incredibly true, thanks for sharing.

  4. love this.....thanks for reminding us!

  5. There was a slogan for the National Sunday of the Persecuted Church a few years ago that said: "The LEAST you can do, is the MOST you can do. Pray."

    I've been profoundly impacted by that statement. How often do I think? "I guess THE ONLY THING I CAN DO is pray." When really? It's the best thing I can do.

  6. So true. So many friends in crisis times and feeling I can't help. You're so right...I can pray and have been and will continue. Thanks

  7. Thanks for this Sarah! You couldn't be more right!!
    I like to be the "band-aid" which is so dumb when I KNOW the more worthwhile thing to do is the Great Healer...

  8. So true. It's a powerful thing & when we are reminded of that, it makes it easier to keep on praying, doesn't it?
    So, thanks for the reminder Sarah.

  9. just what I needed to hear this week. So true............ thank you so much for sharing!!!


  10. Sarah, this was a perfect reminder. Thank you.

  11. You have impeccable timing -- this was just what I needed to hear.

  12. Thanks! Just the encouragement I needed to keep going.

  13. Amazing quote, I LOVE it! Good to be reminded.

  14. That was good. Thanks for sharing it.

  15. You are such a sweetheart for coming over and saying that. You made my morning.
    I'll be back just as soon as I have something to say again. :) Not there yet.
    Thanks again though for your sweet words. They were wind in my sails!

  16. Hi Sarah! I have an award for you over at my place when you have the chance to stop by and get it!


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