Thursday, April 2, 2009

Making Me CRAZY.

If you happen to subscribe to my blog via a reader, then you are likely not reading this.  It seems that the problem has nothing to do with my feed, but something to do with feedburner...either way I have no idea how long the problem is going to last.

What I do know is that I'm not the only one experiencing this problem, and yet that doesn't help to make me less irritated by it. ;)  90% of my readers only come when my blog updates in their reader...without the updates...goodbye readers.

If you happen to be one who goes through the work to actually click on my get to read this boring post :)

If this problem is ever fixed, I'll be sure to let you know...if it's not fixed soon, I am likely to go throw a hissy fit.  Kidding...sort of.

Oh technology...I love you when you work and hate you when you don't.


  1. i always come by... i like reading what you have to say. never boring stuff! you're awesome! and your blog is one of my favorites of MUST READ!

  2. I love that your label for this is {not fun stuff} :)

    Technology ... can't live with it, can't live without it!

  3. i would be one of those people that goes through the work to come read your blog... that is how much i love you my friend! you were already crazy...

  4. You're in my favorites, so I just click on you and see if you have a new post.:)

    sorry it's not working for you.

  5. show up in my Google reader every day...


  6. Sarah - you are NEVER boring!

  7. You have such a great's always so uplfiting, thought provoking, and, I love your sense of for the computer glitch...well, I think it just reminds us how far technology has come...and that patience is a fruit of the spirit! :D Sweet blessings!

  8. I am one of your "followers" and that isn't updating either. I'm glad you are okay! I hope the issue resolves itself soon. HAPPY FRIDAY!

  9. I just type in the addresses then later remember I can check my reader...

  10. Just wanted to let you know that this post came up in my Google Reader...hopefully a good sign?!

  11. Um, I just read this in my reader. And your O Baby post was there Wednesday and just showed up again. Weird.

  12. Your O Baby post and this one both came up in my Google Reader, and I see your Test post there also.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I haven't had any trouble w/ your posts coming through to my Google Reader, but I know sometimes it takes a LONG time for mine to come through onto a reader after I write them. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to it either.

  15. Ok, now 3 of your recent posts just showed up for me for the first time....I didn't touch or change anything, so I assume you did something??

    You poor thing...computers can cause so much frustration sometimes!! Grrrr.

  16. Just fyi - you were in my google reader without problems. How random & annoying for you & your faithful readers.


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