Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dumb Feed

Something is wrong with my blog feed and I can't get it to publish in readers.  I think others are having the same problem...my fix from yesterday was only temporary.

No clue what to do, I'll just wait it out for now!

Thanks for your patience!


  1. It's feedburner...they're having "issues" :)

  2. Haha, I read your post in my Google Reader, so maybe it's just some of the readers! :)

  3. Hey - both this post and the last post just popped up right now in Reader. I was having major issues yesterday - I wasn't sure if it was Feedburner or Google Reader.

  4. no idea what you are talking about.

    word verification: foodling

    THAT's what I am!

  5. Seems to be working in Google Reader :)

  6. i'm still not getting them in my bloglines.

    i've been having trouble with my feed reader thing for months. i finally just gave up.

  7. hey! I didn't know I wasn't getting your feeds!!!! dumb google reader!!!! I feel cheated now!!!!! *smile*

    I better get some starbucks hot choc out of this!!! I think i heard a gasp from you... yes.... hot choc! I don't drink coffee! *smile*


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