Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's Back

It's been awhile since I posted my beloved bullet point lists...and I thought to myself, self, I'm sure your readers are longing for some bullet points...

And I aim to please.

  • I left ya hanging a little yesterday with my deeply profound statement. *cough*  Never fear, I'm working on more of it...but I actually am putting a little effort into it (shocking, I know) It will come...eventually.
  • Church stuff gives me a lot of fodder for posts that would be quite entertaining...unfortunately, it would also be inappropriate.  Boo.
  • Yesterday, a church member stopped by to discuss some funeral luncheon arrangements, as we sat in my living room, amongst piles of laundry (because I didn't know she was stopping) Jake and his friend James were busy playing upstairs.  Twenty minutes or so later I heard the splashing of water.  Turns out they were carrying tubs of WATER from the bathroom to Jake's bedroom (no idea why) and it all ended up in the hallway on the lovely gold shag carpeting.  Needless to say I looked like the worlds best pastor's wife, mom, house keeper and day care provider.  It was a shining moment ;)
  • Jake and James are now banned from upstairs...they get to remain where I can keep my eye on them at all times. 
  • My son is the instigator.  For sure. 
  • Is it possible to miss someone you've never met?  This is a question I've been thinking about after Julie said something to the effect that it was weird that she felt like she missed us, even though we've never met in person. She made my day saying that, because I feel the same way!  We're connected now, through the miracle of technology.  And can't wait till she can be here and physically be a part of our family.  Without a doubt God hand-picked her for this crazy adventure.
  • Life seems to be moving in fast forward lately...I'm wishing there were a pause button so I could stop and take a nap for a little bit before hitting play again.
  • Happy Thursday!


  1. Bullet point blogs are popular today. You, me, and Brooke all did one, lol!

  2. oh how i'd love to stop by and see what my oldest and your youngest would come up with while we visited. (i'd feel right at home among the laundry piles!)

    yesterday lily and her neighbor friend spilled gobs of milk in two rooms and underneath two heavy appliances. great. then they tracked it with their feet to other places. double great.

    water would have been better!

  3. ok that's funny.... haulin' water.... I am SURE they had a perfectly good reason!!!

  4. I think it's the Murphy's Law of being the PW --- people always come over when the house, kids and said PW are at their very worst.....never when things are at their best. =).....I've been there girl!!!!!

  5. I think my daughter is an instigator too. But I need maybe another year of playdates to be SURE.
    TUBS of water?? yikes.

  6. he had help for sure (from my son) you where very calm i would of hit the roof ....

  7. Oh my... sounds like they found a creative way to re-use the tubs you got to help organize their rooms!!! That's what they call "thinking outside the box" (or perhaps, tub?), right? By the way, I just received the AWESOME book in the mail the other day. Many thanks!!!

  8. Tubs of water?! Ha! Oh, those little minds. Poor shag.

    I have a ton of humorous church stories, too....but alas, must keep silent. Boo!

  9. I'm glad I'm not the only one who decorates my living room with laundry!


  10. Im sure your visitor has had her share of laundry stacked around.

    At least it was clean laundry.

    Love you bullets.


  11. I have SO been there! My kids were happily occupying themselves with their friends last week when suddenly I thought to ask why they kept going up to the bathroom. Sure enough they were filling a spray bottle with water so they could "clean" downstairs. N-I-C-E!

  12. The Office tonight!!
    Last night in Kids club we were talking about members of our family. I had the kids raise their hand for the different ones they had at home: dad, mom, sister, brother, etc....Eli spoke up and said he had a foreign exchange student coming, so we had to ask that one too :-)
    We are all looking forward to Julie!

  13. Is the shag dry yet? Yikes - did you have a hard time not laughing too?
    I too have 19 years of stories to tell from church people. I keep teling my husband I should write a book.

  14. My FIRST visit to a BLOG. Very interesting! :)
    Remember, dear Sarah, the Pastor's Wife IS a "normal evey day person"(albiet with a special calling). You and your hubby and your kids are great examples. Don't worry about being "normal people" too. Remember too, none of them there Bible characters were perfect, just FROGS (Fully Relying on God!) like us!

  15. You have won an award! ;) Check out my blog for details.

  16. You and Julie are a perfect match, she is going to love your family!


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