Wednesday, January 28, 2009


A little story.

There once was a young lad in Kindergarten. And while at kindergarten, in his class of twenty some six year olds, he made a small can that held grass magic seed he'd planted and watered and watched grow.

His mom forgot to take a picture of it.

Which is sad...because the little magic seed container never stood a chance after being brought to the Kindergartner's home...where the three year old little brother resides.

The evidence of destruction:

The dumping

The feeble attempt at cleaning up the evidence

All that remains

The culprit...and the punishment


There's a given fact around our home...curiosity kills anything the three year old touches.


  1. Life is never dull when you have a 3 year old boy around!

  2. So how long until you think grass will start sprouting out of your drain?!

  3. That same curiosity killed the paint on our kitchen wall, the toilet, and an innocent grasshopper who had the misfortune of holing up in the three-year old's shoe.

  4. Ha! Look at that guilty face. At least he tried to clean it up....feeble, but he DID try. ;-)

  5. How did Eli respond? I can remember to those days - my heart goes out to him. I would have been devastated. :)

  6. This is just too funny! I love the pictures!!

  7. Those steps on the stairway are so good for punishment and more. I even had to have a giggle step at one time because a niece could not stop giggling and was getting sick trying. Putting her on the top step where she was along without really being alone helped her to come back under control. My comments are way out today but I going to leave it anyway. Lois

  8. When my son was about that age, I went to get something out of the fridge and found a glass sitting upside down on the shelf. When I picked it up there was a fat, juicy, stiff caterpillar under it. When I asked my son why he put it in the fridge, he said "because I wanted to keep it fwesh". Little boys . . . got'a love um!

  9. So true...nothing is safe with a 3yo boy around!

  10. lol. Three year-old are a destructive force like no other. Well, maybe a two year-old comes close.


  11. It's never dull when there are boys involved...especially year olds, right?!!! He's awfully cute though!

  12. aahh but look at that sweet face! I'm not sure what will be worse the time-out on the bottom step or the grief he'll probably recieve from his brother?

  13. Oh he is so cute!!!
    Was their dirt on his shirt that he is shirtless?

  14. I say better the 3-yr. old than death by mommy...which has happened to many a plant or projects around my house. I am SO guilty of thinking something has been given due time on the fridge and trying to sneek it into the garbage. It seems that I get caught all the time. Oops.

  15. so, i've got to his punishment sitting on the stairs, or having to go without a shirt in the cold weather!?!

    hey...i've missed your comments on my page...stop by for a visit!

  16. Oh no! Did all that dirt go down your disposal? And the poor kindergartener must have been so sad. Or if he's like one of my boys, maybe he didn't even notice.


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