Monday, November 10, 2008

I Heart It...

Confession time.

Up until this September....I had never watched The Office before.

I maybe saw snippets here and there before and thought, "What the heck?!? That's dumb."

I know...I KNOW!

But this season, after much bloggy chatter about The Office, I decided I needed to give it a try.

And behold....I discovered a new love.

Two weekends ago I rented season two from the video store and watched it all weekend. This past weekend I tried to rent season three, but they did not have it. So I did the next logical thing. I bought it.

I watched the entire third season this weekend. Hysterical. Poor Ben had to shut the office doors to try to block out my laughing. It's that funny. And the more ya watch it...the funnier it gets!

I can't get enough of it. Next weekend: Season four. After that...I'll get to season one :) Good times.

Here's my bullet list favorites (that I can remember)

  • Jim and Dwight crack me up! Jim plays a prank and Dwight's reaction is priceless every single time.

  • Phyllis: love her.

  • Michael: Seriously, he does/says the most appalling things and yet I still find myself feeling bad for him...and even kinda liking the lonely guy.

  • Dwight: "Question" and pretty much everything else about him is so stinkin' funny!

  • I tried to pick some favorite episodes, but I can't...I love them all.

There. Now you know. And for you office here *smiles*


  1. Another Office fanatic here....On a rare snow day last year I watched it on DVD for over 14 hours. It is one of my fondest days. :)
    So funny.

  2. I have always be baffled by the hype! BUT I have never watched a full episode.

  3. My hubby started watching this the first season, I couldn't stand how appalling Michael was. it was just D.U.M.B. Then I got that THAT was the point! I like Stanley. His face, the way he pouts and shakes his head at the racist dumb things Michael says. oh man funny! Yes, Dwight is funny, but how gross to see him coming out of the closet, ya know? YEWE. I love when Jim out Dwights stuff in Jello and hid his cell phone in the ceiling.
    I heart the office too! I also started watching 30 rock but the jury is still good show doesn't make a season..

  4. Yay!!! So glad you joined the ranks! And you're right - it's gets funnier every single time you watch it.

  5. Sara @ Butterville: I'm confused. Dwight coming out of the closet? In real life or the show? I googled both and came up with nothing about it...

  6. LOVE The Office too! My sons turned me on to it. They all crack me up!

  7. I'm with Beth - have no idea what everyone is so excited about? I've never seen an entire episode, though....the one I watched bored me so much, I couldn't watch anymore. Someday I'll force myself to watch a whole season.

  8. I think Don would like the office. We'll see after we move.

  9. Glad you're on board!! I think the older episodes are much funnier than the current season. Still, I watch them online on Fridays when the kids nap! :)

    The only thing I can think about in regards to Dwight coming out of the closet might be something from this current season...if you're not watching it yet, I don't want to give anything away. But, the only thing I can think of is when he visits the closet downstairs in the warehouse for a specific purpose. BUT - I could be way off base from what she was talking about...

    Anyway - glad you've joined in the fun!

  10. I didn't start watching it until season 4, but I'm hoping to get some of the past seasons for Christmas. We all need our weekly dose of funny!

  11. Thursday nights are my night to put the little ones to bed so Randy and the older kids can watch the office. I love to hear their laughter downstairs. Family bonding at it's best.

  12. Welcome to the club! You need to go get Season 1 and watch Diversity Day. And Healthcare. And The Alliance. And Hot Girl.

    Oh heck, just watch them all. :)

  13. I have to admit I have not seen one episode....I have heard tons about it and I am going to check it out too! who couldn't use a good laugh these days :)

  14. I haven't ever watched it. My husband has a couple times, but he gets all embarrassed because apparently everything that you should never say or do in the real working world ends up being said or done on that show.

    But, I LOVE Steve Carrel (not sure if I spelled his name right). I saw him in "Dan in Real Life." I LOVED his character in that movie.

  15. Told ya.

    One of my favorite scenes is when Jim leaves Scanton to go to the other branch and Dwight's reaction to it ... he's crying hysterically in the camera, saying, "I'm going to miss him so much... FALSE."

    Although, I find that this season hasn't been as funny as the past ones.

  16. I too love The Office...

    As far as your Twilight dilemma... I would recommend reading the 1st book BEFORE seeing the movie... I think the book will give SO MUCH more depth to the characters than they will be able to in the movie.

  17. We heart the office too! Jim is my favorite! A little tip for you if you ever have to miss a can log onto HULU and watch the last few episodes on your computer!!!! We plug the computer into the TV and presto...instant Office! So beautiful!

  18. Well, thanks for the link....a half an hour later I tore myself away from all The Office clips YouTube has to offer!
    I too am in love with The Office. It's completely ridiculous, but it's really the only show I'm "hooked" on. Enjoy those early seasons. The newest episodes are STRESSING ME OUT. Too much Pam & Jim drama:)

  19. i just watched my first full episode this week...i've got to catch up like you have been doing.

    i am boycotting grey's anatomy now which was on at the same is AWFUL this year. i don't know why lesbian sex disturbs me more than extra-marital shouldn't...

    my only complaint is that it is only 1/2 an hour!

  20. When we got hooked, we watched all the seasons on dvd in a row too. Now that we're caught up, it's so anticlimatic to watch only a half hour a week!! :)

  21. another The Office lover here! it's so stupid and far fetched and so freakin' funny!!! i have yet to blog about it. i'll add that to my to do list...i'll blog about it on friday after thursday's fresh episode.

  22. I had to comment because I do not "get" the office! I really have only seen bits and pieces and I don't quite understand:)
    Maybe, I should watch an entire episode!

  23. I've never watched...but I hear it is hysterical.

  24. It looks hilarious, but I already watch (DVR) so many other shows I (my husband) set a limit. It really is ridiculous how much TV I watch (record)!

  25. Sarah, Your blog is so funny! I'm a young pastor's wife too and homeschool mom to two. I LOVE The Office! We have watched it since the first episode and the rest of our family didn't get it! Michael is so lacking in social graces but yet you feel for him somehow! Keep up the funnies! Be blessed, Jenny

  26. I've never watched The Office, but EVERYBODY does. I'm not disciplined enough to remember when TV shows actually come on, so I never schedule TV time. Maybe I'll try catching an episode sometime.

  27. I triple love the Office - so glad you have been converted! My absolute favorite interactions are between Jim and Dwight - Jim is cool as a cucumber when he picks on Dwight, and Dwight cannot handle anything. Hilarious!

  28. It is quite sad; I catch myself getting excited on Thursday afternoons, knowing that an episode is upcoming! My husband and I have watched since the first episode.

  29. Thursday nights are our fav night in our house. We LOVE LOVE LOVE The much that I was in labor & delivered on a Thursday night and what did we frown about...that we missed The Office...and it was the one where Jim dressed up like Dwight. But it is so fun now that when that rerun is's Tulip's birthday! hahaha ;-) I have a tear in my eye!

  30. I'm a new office junkie too! When it first came on I could not stand it!

    my sister got me hooked! I've been trying to go back and watch them on netflix and nbc ~ so funny!


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