Friday, November 14, 2008

*Blank Stare*

That's what I'm doing. I must have bloggers block...that OR my posts are generally caffeine induced and will now be more boring than EVER.

Bullets...must use them.

  • The new Office episode (which I DVR) made me giddy last night...I like knowing Pam and Jim are good.
  • I may or may not have also bought season 4 of The Office. I may have found my favorite episode thus far in my viewing. It's a little one called Fun Run...Michael hits Meredith with his car...does a run for rabies, Dwight kills Angela's cat...all priceless.
  • No school for my kiddos today.
  • We will be having twin boys staying with us tonight until sometime on Sunday. Five boys age 7 and under + husband+ dog = 7 males in my house...with just me. Lord have mercy.
  • I did what any good Pastor's wife does when she watches boys who go to her church....rented movies and bought lots of food. And prayed... A LOT. Should work, right?!?
  • Odie is reealllly happy to have the boys home today...happy in a totally inappropriate way, the kinda way that makes me keep saying (in my mean voice) "Odie, GET OFF OF HIM!"
  • You wish you lived here...don't you.



  1. I do wish i lived there. Oh wait... if you have your way i will. Across the street right? Here ya on the "Fun Run" episode! That one's hilarious! ;) Have a great weekend! Lets see if you can get your blogging in among the caios.

  2. I'm thinking you're going to be needing some caffeine this weekend!

  3. The death of Sprinkles was definitely one of the best moments from The Office that mean? :)

  4. Boy dogs! When I nannied, my family had a cute little fruffy dog named Milo. He was cute for five minutes and then not so.
    And WHY do they always like my leg?
    I love last night when Drunk Andy called Angela...That was a riot!

  5. So funny!
    Have a great time with a house full of boys. We are the opposite this weekend with my hubby gone. Well, I guess the dog was a boy before we fixed him...

  6. Didn't we make Ben watch a Romantic Comedy during the superbowl one year? If so this is totally your payback! I think you'll need to make the cheesy, burger, bean dip!

  7. sounds like odie's in for a real treat with more little boys hanging around. dogs can be so disgusting! hang in there.

  8. Fun Run is Hilarious. TBS has re-runs every Tuesday night...normally I don't stay up 'til 11, but I do just to get my Office fix!
    Good luck with all those boys!

  9. my boys are all i can handle tonight but good luck to you!
    happy weekend!

  10. This will be a good weekend for lots of caffeine!!

    Good luck!

  11. This will be a good weekend for lots of caffeine!!

    Good luck!

  12. You may have to fall off the wagon this weekend!!

  13. Our dog does the same thing, drives me nuts!
    Good luck with all those boys, hope you have a safe and happy place to retreat to. LOL

  14. Bloggers block? I actually thanked God today for "Friday Fill-ins", they saved me! 14 posts in 14 days so far!!

  15. i know of a couple of little girls you can borrow. wait, they like maybe not!

  16. Oh ... is that the one where Andy's nipples bleed? Hilarious! One of my favorite too.

    And, I would take 7 boys over 7 (tween-aged) girls any day.

  17. I confess I DVR it too..sometimes I try to keep that a secret so don't tell.
    Um, I really don't know what to tell you about trying to kick the habit except WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? I know, I know, it probably isn't the best for me-but seriously, I'm not gonna lie, I think of that cup of stong black stuff as a dear friend who is very kind to me. Do you think I have a problem?

  18. HAAAAA! You cracked me up. Poor, overly excited Odie.

  19. hee, hee...

    how do you manage to make bullet points funny?

    I just love you!!! :-)

  20. I wish I could pop in for a visit & have a cup of DECAF tea ;)

  21. Holy Hot Tamale! Maybe you and my husband should trade places. He isn't quite as out of our two cats is a male. I don't think he thinks that counts for much. Good luck.


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