Sunday, October 19, 2008

Suck It In...

Apparently he's trying to hold his "toddler tummy" in...with some masking tape.

He is naughty resourceful...I give him that.

I may try it too...except I may need something (duct?) tape perhaps? I blame it on those pesky pumpkin bars.


  1. Ha! What a great idea ;0) and what a cutie!

  2. I would need like 5 rolls of tape! :( Darn apple crisp!

  3. He is so adorable! What a cute little mischief maker!

    By the way you can buy duct tape and duck tape - they make them both.

    Just thought you should know.

  4. He cracks me up! And yes, it is duct tape. :-)

  5. don't tape your tummy to hold it in? :)

  6. That is funny! Mine was chocolate donuts. rrrr.
    I love all the updatinf going on over there. It's it fun? Paint here, new light there. Looks so sheek.

  7. Ok. I am totally stealing that idea. I turned 40 and my stomach won't stop growing. What is up with that?!! I had three babies in my 20's and still had a flat stomach for many years. So I guess I can only blame it on age. And my lack of exercise I guess.

  8. Wow, the way I've been feeling lately, I'm about willing to try it. My Noah loves tape of any kind too. his inventions are crazy but he is always so proud of them.

  9. What's a pumpkin bar? Is there a recipe? Am I a dummy?

    He's a handsome fella!!

  10. So....that's something I haven't tried yet. Might have to add duct tape to the shopping list this week!

  11. I am positively drooling at the mention of pumpkin bars. I think it would be worth taping my tummy just to eat a few of those. :)

  12. He looks like a fun challenge!!! And I love your light from IKEA!

  13. Again I will say it... he and my Mason would be quite the pair!

  14. Ok, so do I even need to say that my cousin really did do this with duct tape for a beauty pageant and it worked. Two sizes smaller of a dress. Said it hurt like heck taking it off, though. I am guessing it wasnt a backless dress either.

  15. What an idea! I just got some gorilla glue duct tape. That should work well! I'll have to use the entire role on my tummy.
    He's a cutie!

  16. Hmm, good idea! Maybe this will help me get my pants on!


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