Friday, August 15, 2008

I May Be Asking For It...

I've noticed something interesting this week. People can be mean when they don't have to be accountable for it.

On several of the blogs I read, the bloggers have gotten what I consider, rude comments from anonymous commenters. And interestingly enough, it brings out the mama bear in me.

Got me thinking. It's one thing to disagree with the opinions presented, but it's a whole other arena to start making assumptions and attacks anonymously. I simply think that's cowardly and completely unnecessary. I think if one finds themselves writing something that is so harsh that they are unwilling to put their name behind it, ummm giant red flag.

One of the most freeing things for me, about blogging, is that people don't have to read what I write. If they like it, they come back. If they don't enjoy made up words and bad grammar, they're free to leave...quickly.

I'm not submitting my thoughts before the blog world for critique, but for the simple act of sharing. This is how I in return view other's blogs. I think it's a little thing that can be sung to the tune R-E-S-P-E-C-T...

I'm sure eventually all bloggers get to experience the joy of rude anonymous commenters. I've been blogging now for six months and amazingly enough have only received sweet comments. I know my time is coming. By the looks of it, it may be this week ;)


  1. I totally agree, and its cowardly when you can't comment with your name but leave it annonymous. We went through that a few months back and it just about made me stop blogging. I love reading your blog and appreciate your walk with God and how you care for your family.

  2. Great post! Being in the ministry, this is a BIG pet peeve of mine! My husband and I have chosen not to read anything that doesn't have a name signed to it and we encourage our staff to do the same.

    If you have to be anonymous to say it.....then you don't truly stand behind it. Cowardly is a great word for it!

  3. I completely agree with you Sarah. So far, like you, I haven't gotten any rude comments, but I suspect I will at some point. Our Pastor once told our congregation we were welcome to write him if we had a complaint, but only if we had the guts to sign our name to it. He told his secretary any unsigned letters were to go straight into the trash. I say that's a pretty wise system. = )

    Happy weekend, my friend!

  4. Like momma always said,
    "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all!"

    But I agree, you can disagree with someone without being rude. If you don't want to stand by what you say, then don't say it!

  5. A little while ago, I had received a less than friendly comment from an "anonymous" person, but they knew things that an anonymous wouldn't know, and it turned out that it was my mother in law. After that, I closed my comments to anonymous commentors.

  6. I don't have anonymous comment supported on my blog-- well, not directly. You have to enter a name and e-mail address, though you can just provide fake ones.

    It's good to have some sort of comment policy in place. In any case, trolls can lurk anywhere, and feeding them is the worst you can do.

  7. Well, you just have to remember... nice comments, yucky comments, and all the comments in between - YOUR BLOG ROCKS! :) Enough said!

  8. Amen girl! Thanks for telling it like it is :}



    I don't know why people choose to be so nasty to others. SHAMIE ON THEM!

  10. Hello, I am Elizabeth and new to your blog. I recently on one of my blogs had my first, very rude comment by a no-namer. I was so touched by those who came to my defense, even I defended my little blog. What it really comes down to is people who don't trust that their opinion of the blog is valid. Opinions don't always have to be in tune with our own, but that insecurity leads to the no-name at the end.

    If I am going to rude, or mean, it typcally happens in my head first, that God for that, before it leaves my brain I can exercise self control. LOL

    I look forward to reading more of your "made up words and bad grammer"

  11. You know I agree.

    BTW, I linked you in my post today because you need more readers (sarcasm). No, seriously I just linked you because I love ya'.

  12. You go, girl! I make up words all the time. And quite possibly spelling and grammar, too!

  13. I just don't get the whole anonymous rude thing...if you have something to say, have the guts to put your name behind it. I cannot imagine how anyone could come up with something rude to say to you here on your awesome blog, but if they do, you can be sure the mama bear in me will rise up and I will rush to your defense. :) I'm sure you will sleep better knowing that. Yeah. :)

  14. LOL. There, your first anonymous mean blog. :)

  15. If you have an opinion worthy of comment, you'd think you'd sign your name. My pastor had a special file for anonymous letters. File 13. No need to even read them, if they weren't standing behind their own thoughts. You're too sweet to get the crummy ones. I like a little controversy personally if it is respectfully done. It makes for good blogging. But mean is definitely not cool. Blessings this Sunday. Annette

  16. Preach it sista! I hope you stay getting only sweet comments. You seem like a true sweet heart!


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