Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Go (light) Green...

The "Go Green" theme is everywhere, everywhere.

I've resisted...(even though I do heart the color green).

In my head, to Go Green, also meant buying into the whole global warming thing...which by the way...I do not.

The more I read on global warming, the more I'm convinced that its mostly a political agenda used to promote oneself. Back to my point...

Then, this week while at the grocery store, I decided to purchase this:

Because I thought to myself...
  1. That would hold a lot of groceries
  2. It's cuter than plastic bags
  3. Go me.

I had a revelation in the grocery store.

I can do my part to not be completely wasteful. Being a little green does not have to mean I buy into global warming. The two do not have to go hand in hand. I do not think the life span of our earth depends upon humans being green. God created it, and He has said in His Word that He's coming again and there will be a new heaven and a new earth...I'm pretty sure He didn't mean that this was dependent on us mere mortals taking care of it. Pretty sure ;)

But I can respect what He has created while still glorifying the creator over the created. Which, for me, means I now have two of those cute little canvas bags AND I'm attempting to start recycling (more than just pop cans). I have to say, I'm not particularly enjoying the whole recycling thing...baby steps, baby steps.

So...I'm going green...a very light shade of green :)


  1. I so agree with that :)
    You are going to look so cute!
    I mean how many plastic grocery bags can one person hourd - I need to get me some cute bags like that!

  2. That's how I look at it too. Well said. I recycle plastic (most of the time) and cardboard (most of the time).I am not a slave to it though. If I am on a cleaning binge, I will chunk it in the trash and not worry about my shade of green. But I was amazed to see my trash bag count go from 6 or 7 a week to 2 or 3. I thought "wow. we are trashy" lol

  3. I'm with you! And that bag IS super cute :)

  4. You have just expressed perfectly my own philosophy on the green/global warming thing. I used to scoff at anything like this, but lately I've started...very slowly...to recycle a few things. And I've contemplated doing the canvas bag thing. But I still drive around in my big ol' Suburban so I guess I'll never be truly green. :)

  5. I totally hear ya girlie... I haven't bought the bags yet but I am trying to do my part with the recycling and it is SUCH A PAIN... I feel like I have so much extra junk sitting in my kitchen. Our pastor gave a really good sermon a few months ago on our duty as His creatures to care for His creation. I can send you the MP3 of it if you are at all interested.

  6. It's another one of those ballance things!

  7. Ok Sarah...ready for my rant...you don't have to believe in Global Warming to help take care of the universe. God gave it to us and I assume he would like us to take care of it the best we can. So why would we be wasteful and careless of what he's given us when we know that it does have effects on us. You can agree or disagree with global warming but we do know that landfills are pilling up, our air is full of chemicals and valuable resources are being used up each day because of US! He's got to be shaking his head up there thinking we're idiots. God gave us so much, we can't just use and abuse it, taking for granted his universe and the cause of our actions and needy habits is just sinful. So that being said, I'm glad you're starting to recycle and use less plastic. Your freaky "green" friend Shell

  8. I feel the same way, Sarah. The hard thing for me is that my hubby and I don't make a whole lot of money (ministry doesn't pay that well in earthly rewards) and it's very very VERY expensive to go green, organic, etc. There are some things we just can't afford. I have purchased a couple of the "green" bags in the grocery store (most of the time I just tote an empty Pampers box with me, haha). And I got some CFL lightbulbs at Sam's last year and have yet to see one burn out. The way I look at it, if everyone did just one little thing, whether it's recycling or water conservation, etc. then it would make a huge difference. Let the rich folks buy the hybrids and install solar panels. I'm good with my lights and my bags.

  9. That shade of green is lovely on you ;o)

  10. Good for you! I just wish I could find cute canvas bags up here that DON'T have the store name emblazened on them. I mean, it's kind of awkward going to one grocery store with another one's bags. I feel like I'm cheating or something...
    And I agree - being a good steward of what God has given us does not mean we are supporting someone else's political agenda. So, go you!

  11. It would take a lot more than 2 of those cute bags for my weekly trip to the grocery store....yea teenage boys!! I am probably a little darker shade of green than you (just a little) as I do recycle and clean with vinegar (I actually like it better and it's cheaper), etc. But I find that it is very hard, expensive, time consuming to buy completely into it all! It's like eating healthy...those fresh vegies, fruit, etc are expensive!!

  12. I too have bought the canvas bags. (after a bit of resistance) My biggest problem now is remembering to take them inside the store!

  13. That is a great post. I have actually started recycling and would love to start composting. I use the "green" bags. So I'm getting there. I don't buy into the global warming either. But I do try to respect what God has given me and to me that means not wasting and that is what recycling is all about.

  14. I try to do what I can to help the world along because I think that is what God wants me to do. I do also believe that it will end when God says it will end and not a minute before. Until then, I will keep buying those little green bags and leaving them who knows where. I Keep buying them and losing them. :)

  15. Great post Sarah! I started out with a couple of "green" bags and I LOVE them! I have about 10 now. I only need about 4-5 of them compared to the 20 plastic bags. (I HATE it when they only put one item in a bag!) I just wish I could find cute little bags like yours! Oooo, I wonder if there are any cute ones on etsy!? I'll have to look into that =P

  16. I have to say that I agree with Michelle G above who suggests that it is still up to us to take care of this earthly home God has given us. That doesn't mean God can't do what He wants, when He wants to - He can "save the planet" regardless of landfills, pollution, and the possibility of global warming. He created it and He will end it when the appointed time comes. But, until then, it is irresponsible for us to just take His gift (which is not His greatest gift, of course, yet still given freely to us) and do things to harm it. Don't get me wrong, I am not an extreme activist by ANY means...but the way you described your thoughts really seemed to trivialize the home that God has provided to you for this earthly life. I'm glad to see you making steps and realizing that those steps don't put you into any political box...I hope we all continue learning and growing in this regard.

    And, while this does not completely relate, for some reason this video came back to mind as I've read your post and the various comments. Thought you might want to view it (about 4 mins) - just more on our part as Christians and the bigger world view (but unrelated to recycling, global warming, etc.) Still, somehow seems to fit:

  17. I have been thinking about the exact same thing! I actually have a recyle bin that will be delivered next week. I don't buy the whole global warming thing either (we have only watered once this summer and our windows are open to let in the cool breeze more than closed for the a/c this summer). I don't think I will go over board but just a little helps!


  18. Ooooh...hot topic :)

    Shannon: That's the funny thing about blogging, one can put their thoughts out there and some will interpret it the way it was intended and others will not. It's the risk a blogger takes.

    I assure you I never intended to make God's earth seem trivial. I'm just being honest in my feeble attempt to recycle. To some it will seem like a wonderful attempt, and to others it will seem, well, trivial. That's just me, that's just my style of writing.

    And thank you for being my first commenter to call my thoughts trivial ;) THAT I won't soon forget ;)

    Ya'll remember that post where I said I had it coming?!? :)

  19. Yeah I think the most important thing is trying to be a good steward of what we have been given and what is around us for ourselves and others.

  20. Hmmm...Sarah. I agree with the whole interpretation thing. That can happen with people we know well - and yet, how great a risk to be misinterpreted when we don't even know the person, tones, personality, etc. For the record, though (and here is another interpretation/semantics deal) I did not call your thoughts trivial. It is your blog and you are entitled to say what you want to say (as you know). The issues you wrote about are far from trivial. I just got the impression (wrong one, obviously) that when you said you resisted the whole Go Green thing was more out of rejecting the whole political agenda than out of concern for God's earth. But, wrong interpretation - and while I do not live a full out green lifestyle, it was a good reminder to me to remember all the things we can be doing to protect the home God has given us - knowing still (like you said) He can do with it what He wants, when He wants. So, as I said in my original post - I am glad you are making steps and glad to see the process starting for you. I'm sorry for the misinterpretation. I was in no means trying to follow through on the "you had it coming" post...just trying to share my thoughts too.

  21. We were commanded in scripture to "subdue the earth". Again, this does not mean we are to abuse it, but neither is man the worst thing that happened to the planet. Man was the crown and reason for creation, not the other way around. We are not to allow ourselves to be put under the yoke of bondage, even bondage to the welfare of our planet.

  22. Shannon: You're the first person in 200 posts to "call" me on my presentation of thoughts. And I am seriously impressed (& relieved)! It caused me to go back and re-read and be reminded that I need to present my thoughts clearly (which doesn't happen as often as I'd like :)

    I should have been clearer in my last comment: I didn't mean to associate you with the mean anonymous commenters! You were polite, and non-anonymous :) I just meant that eventually, somone was bound to disagree with me (and tell me).

    You are my newest bloggy friend :)

  23. Well, good. Then we're friends. :)

    And, lest you forget, I also posted way back about my similar love for the old-style DC Talk.

    More in common than we thought...

  24. Excellent post and honestly I see it the same way...my husband and I often roll our eyes at what we call faux environmentalism and faux healthy lifestyles (like thinking it's healthy if it is organic...even if it is full of organic cane syrup.

  25. I have the Wal-Mart version and LOVE them!! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine! :)


  26. I've got a few green grocery bags myself (their not as cute as yours though)...now I just have to figure out how to remember to take them to the store with me.

  27. that is crazy - just last night my husband was talking to me about this. He got paper bags at Fareway and no bag at the gas station - then came home and was wondering if I would make some fabric bags to shop with. So that is exactly what I was thinking about this morning! :)

  28. I agree with the interpretation of global warming but I also think God wants us to take care of his earth and do our part not to be wasteful.
    One thing I was trying to do was to stop using so many paper products -- paper plates, too many paper towels as plates for sandwiches, etc.....
    But then my husband brought up the point that in doing so I am now using more water to wash more 'real' plates....Now I'm stuck with this -- which one is being the better steward God wants me to be?
    Using less paper products or using up less water?
    It is a hard thing to do.....and I really do feel badly about all the plastic bags I have from grocery shopping every week.....but then I'd have to buy like 15 of those bags to get all my groceries home.....
    It is a pickle....

  29. Like what's already being said-- there's no problem conserving, saving money, and not being wasteful.

    It's a shame that the environmentalists had to link conservation with the whole global warming religion.

  30. Guess my comment was too controversial. Sorry.

  31. canvas grocery bags are something i also do and LOVE. the fact that they hold more and i make less trips carrying them inside just makes me happy! i'm so easy to please! ;)

  32. Not sure I can add anything here, but I wanted you to know it's worth the struggle to make the changes.

    About a year ago, I started to get really convicted about not caring enough for the planet. Like you, I wasn't ready to join the ranks of the "green." But I couldn't ignore my responsibility to this beautiful world God made and entrusted to our care.

    So I started to recycle. (Even though I had to drive our stuff to the center about 15 minutes away.) I tried to mulch what I could. Now that we're in the city again, I have more options.

    And it's good. I'm glad I followed the Spirit's leading in this matter.

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