Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's Official...

I'm officially a red-neck...

I know, I know, it takes a special kind of stupid to work outside all day with no sunblock. Oh, I brought it...but actually put it on...not so much. My pasty white skin is paying the price, bloggy friends...paying the price. *smiles*

The clean-up and recovery from tornado stuff is going to take, what seems like, FOREVER :) I'll keep ya updated now and then though. Thank you for your prayers for everyone involved...keep 'em coming.


  1. Oh, that looks like it hurts! I'm gonna keep praying. Thanks for keeping us updated. I'm thinking and praying for all those who have experienced devastation.

  2. Your love is very sacrificial! We will pray your skin is soothed!

  3. I know what you are really thinking....this might turn brown!!!

  4. Oh my goodness. I haven't had a chance to read blog-stuff this weekend due to company. I am so sorry to hear about all that damage and destruction. You're right, things will never be the same. Please keep us updated. My thoughts are with you and others involved.

  5. oweeee! It's all so unreal. Love you guys.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ouch. I can totally relate! The red tints in my hair and green tints in my eyes give way to a very light skin tone. I burn regularly. :)
    Thank you for all you are doing! God bless you all!!

  8. Praying for you and your friends. That is so devastating. I can't imagine. Glad you are all okay.

  9. Oh, bless your heart. You weren't being stupid...you were so committed to helping others that you forgot about you. I hope the burn soon turns to a golden tan. Blessings to you.

  10. Whatever you do, DO NOT put sunscreen on the burned part and sit outside in your swimsuit in an attempt to "even things out." You WILL end up with an even more interesting stripey look than you started with. I am proof- and no, I did not post pictures of that extra special kind of stupid on my blog :)

  11. Ouch! The storms and damage were on the front page of our paper. Prayers for you and all those in your area.

  12. Oh, I'm so sorry for you lovely tiny town. I will be praying for your community and especially the families of those who died.

    I read a report that said many of the people who died where in their basements. How is this possible? I thought that was where you were supposed to go.

  13. Banana Boat aloe vera is calling your name... you want me to send you some?! :)

  14. Oh my goodness. It's painful just to look at these sunburn pictures! I'm so sorry!

  15. Ouch! So sorry about your sunburn. Easy to forget something like sunscreen in the midst of what you've been doing. What a blessing you must be to those you are helping. My prayers for your community continue. Take care. Keep us posted as you are able.

    Tracy = )

  16. You look just like me!!! I guess I am feeling pretty stupid myself. So glad everyone is ok!



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