Saturday, May 17, 2008

Is There Another Word For Random?

So far this Saturday morning I have managed to consume (inhale) two pieces of cake and 1/2 a pot of coffee for breakfast. All while trying to figure out the wonderful world of Webkinz. Oh you heard me right. We got Noah one for his birthday...he's been wanting one...and I had no idea how in-depth caring for a stuffed animal could be! Two hours of my life is now gone...thanks to our new friend, "Bucky", the "B&W Cheeky Dog." (really, I'm not making this stuff up, that's really the description this dog came with!)

This was the first of the three birthday parties Noah will have. Our families are both large, so we have to split up the parties...mine, Ben's, and my dad. Last night we had my dad and siblings over for supper. It went really well. I am praying that the Holy Spirit would help me know how to lavish love on my dad in a way that he can feel it or receive it, because it may look much different that what I think. I was reading in Philippians this morning, and came across this verse that really spoke to me...

Philippians 1:19 "I am going to keep on being glad, for I know that as you pray for me, and as the Holy Spirit helps me, this is all going to turn out for my good."

I keep reading and re-reading your comments from this. They bless me over and over. Now, if I could just figure out how to over-come my computer idiotness and learn how to print them steps.

Enjoy your Saturday!


  1. Since you told me that no one reads blogs on the weekend I thought I'd comment to make you feel special! :) Glad to hear that supper/ b-day party with your dad went well. Got to love webkinz! Got to love cake for b'fast!!!!!!

  2. Happy Saturday !
    Can you copy your comments and then paste them in word? You should be able to print them out then. You can highlight text, right click then click copy, go to your open word doc and right click again, then paste.
    We have webkinz too and it took me FOREVER to get the silly things on there! The girls enjoy playing with them though. So I guess it was worth all my frustration =P

  3. We are compleatly into Web-Kinz World at our house! What I want to know soon is what is your fav game! I love Goober's Lab! But you know I just do it for the kids. They need their Kinz Cash! I did a big post about Web-Kinz in February check it out if you want!

    Glad to hear dinner with you dad went well!

  4. Michelle: Thanks! Now I'll go try it...

    Rachel: Goober's Lab is AWESOME and I like cash cow too :) Noah won't let me buy stuff for his...just earn the webkinz $...stinker.

  5. I love that verse! Keep on being glad because friend, I am going to keep on praying for you and the Holy Spirit will most definitely help you! Thanks so much for sharing that verse...what translation is it in?

  6. Jamie: Thank You! It's The Living Bible's my favorite. It's the Bible I got when I was 15 and first became a's in terrible shape, but still my fav :) I don't even know if they make it anymore?!? I know there's a New Living Translation too...


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