Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Aren't they pretty!?! They're fake, of course. Real flowers and plants never survive here, we must have toxic air. I prefer fake flowers...then, when my children pull the leaves or blossoms off, I simply pop them back on!
After Christmas, I took all the winter decor down. Snowmen do not get to live here past December. Instead, we have bouquets of fake flowers :) I like to pretend Spring is right around the corner ...this is called denial. Usually, this works for me, but not so much this year. I think the Lord is trying to teach me to just enjoy today...no matter the circumstances (or weather). I'm always looking ahead, and in the process, I'm missing some of today. So, although I no longer appreciate the snow, I am realistic enough to know, that come August, when the humidity has finally made me crazy, I'll be the one dreaming of snow (and putting out my fall decorations:)


  1. I never find myself dreaming of snow or anything cold, a couple fall days I can find slightly refreshing but then I am sad, I know what is coming!
    Love the fakies! Better than the lack of ANYTHING green or flowery like at my house right now!
    So glad you are blogging!!! I am giddy really! really! giddy!


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